A Tug-of-War on Trombones

The best descriptions always come from the YouTube comments. One said that Trombone Nonsense was his favorite genre of music. Another said the trombone is perfect balance of beauty and comedy. But most lauded this video as a throwback to years ago when videos were clever and silly and original and didn't rely on effects.

Charis Dwire wrote this song, "Tug of War Duet", after her brother Nathan Dwire thought up the idea of trombones having a musical tug-of-war as if their slides had become entangled at the ends. It is performed here by Joseph Greene and Sam Robertson. You can download the sheet music here.

If you are intrigued by the idea of Trombone Nonsense, you should check out more videos: Cattle Call, Trombone Alpine Skiing, Flamethrower Trombone, Trombone Suicide, and This Is What Happens If You Sneeze Into a Trombone.

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