A Stop-Motion Video for "My Bologna"

"Weird Al" Yankovic's very first single was "My Bologna." He wrote the song in 1979, the same year that The Knack took over our radios with "My Sharona." Yankovic recorded it in a bathroom for the Dr. Demento Show, and it became so popular that Capitol Records eventually let him record with a backing band, released as a single from his first album in 1983. But there was no official video. In those days when MTV was new, you have to be an established star to justify the expense of making one.  

But now it has one, made by Yankovic fan Isaiah Ferguson. It took him ten months of work to produce this stop-motion video that captures the spirit of Weird Al quite well. It's less than a minute long, while the original song is just over two minutes, but let's be honest, that's about all we can handle. -via Laughing Squid

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