Archive for November 16th, 2023

Florida's Cross-Cultural Feast of 1566

Our Thanksgiving celebration is modeled after the 1621 harvest feast of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag. But there were at least a couple of feasts between Europeans and Native Americans before that. One notable feast occ...

A Leopard is Just a Big House Cat That Might Eat Your Face

Science will tell you the only real difference between the earth's species of cats is their size. Let's take a closer look at that, with wonderful footage of leopards in the wild doing the things all house cats do, in a...

What's the Deal with Brown Noise?

If you have ever found yourself in a bout of insomnia, you might have tried different ways to get yourself to sleep. I used to listen to chill music with sounds of rain in order to make me sleep, but there are some peopl...

The Pūteketeke Bags First in New Zealand's Bird of the Century Contest

<p>Forest &amp; Bird, a conservation organization in New Zealand, annually holds a contest to elect the Bird of the Year, in order to raise awareness for some of the threatened native birds in New Zeala...

How These 16 NASA Photos Made History

NASA was founded on July 29, 1958 under the Eisenhower administration. Its purpose was to conduct research into flying within and outside the earth's atmosphere, but it was also established to consolidate the different U...

The Science Behind Our Musical Tastes

I grew up listening to a whole variety of songs. Being raised in a religious household, gospel music has become ingrained in me and although my preferences for that particular genre has shifted and my musical sensibility...

First Ever 'Vampire' Virus Discovered

<p>No, it's not a virus that turns humans into vampires although that would be terrifying and cool at the same time, if the vampires get superpowers. But the vampire part is just an analogy used to describe...

How Much Different Are Gen Z Teens from Other Generations?

<p>There have been a lot of comparisons between Gen Zs and other generations, it's like they're the new millennials except, according to a survey by the American Enterprise Institute's Survey Center on Amer...

Conservation Efforts for the Elusive Bunyip

We know the bunyip as an Australian cryptid whose legend goes back hundreds of years in Aboriginal folklore. Descriptions of the bunyip are varied and murky because it is too scary to observe for long. One of the best kn...


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