Archive for September 15th, 2023

Did Pakistan Inspire J.R.R. Tolkien's Map of Mordor?

There are people who love J.R.R. Tolkien's books about Middle-earth, and there are fanatics who study their history, origins, and inspirations. Sometimes these people are also geography geeks and love studying maps of To...

The Real Nurses of the Korean War MASH Units

The TV series M*A*S*H introduced us to the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, an innovation of the Korean War. Studies from World War II led authorities to determine that wounded soldiers who received immediate care...

Recycled Spiders and Butt-scanning Toilets: The 33rd First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Winners

Science can be weird. Your goal may be to unlock the mysteries of how the human body develops, but you find yourself counting nose hairs in dead bodies to see if there are more hairs in the left or right nostrils. How do...


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