What Will Happen If Europe’s Largest Active Volcano Erupted?

Located about 175km (110 miles) south of Naples is Marsili. It is the largest active volcano in Europe, with a height of 3 km (9,800 ft), with a span of 70km (43 miles) and a width of 30 km (19 miles). However, despite its giant size, a person might not notice it, because it is underwater. But what would happen if it erupted? It would surely be catastrophic, and there would be “next-to-no warning” when it happens.

Scientists have known of Marsili's existence for a century, but it is only within the last decade that they have started to investigate the dangers that Marsili might pose – and their findings are concerning. According to some recent models, its activity could potentially trigger an enormous tsunami, with a 30m-high (98ft) wave hitting Calabrian and Sicilian coasts.

As the lava and ashes will just be absorbed by the water, the eruption will not be the thing to worry about. Rather, it will be the possible underwater landslides, which could result in the enormous tsunami.

More about this over at BBC.

(Image Credit: Ferdinando chiodo/ Wikimedia Commons)

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