Archive for May 23rd, 2021

You Can Now Play Doom On Archive Of Our Own

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Well, it looks like you can read fanfiction and play games on Archive Of Our Own! Not that I needed any more reasons to s...

You Might Want To Give This Photo A Second Look

<p>Oh, look! It’s just a cat staring into nothingness… But wait! Why is its shadow so long, and why is the shadow not reflecting its current state?</p><p>There are many mysteries in...

The Hercules Globular Cluster

<p>Found some 22,000-25,000 light years away from Earth is the Hercules Globular Cluster, which is also known as Messier 13 (and is designated as NGC 2605). Consisting of several hundred thousand stars, the...

Science Fiction and Cardboard Meet In Greg Olijnyk’s Creations

A samurai in full armor, holding a bow in his right hand and a spear in his left, stands on what seems to be the shoulder of a gigantic robot. In front of him is the gigantic robot’s head with one of its eyes gouge...

Woman Unintentionally Makes An Oasis At Her Backyard

<p>Jennifer George wanted to have a closer look on the animals that she saw by her window, and so she set up an outdoor camera in 2019. One day, George noticed a family of coyote pups from her outdoor camer...

Accurate Clocks May Disrupt Our Universe

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">So does that mean our current clocks aren’t accurate? They are, but there’s always room for more accuracy. Un...

Fossilized Dinosaur Food

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Fossil remains of a plant that seems to be an early example of cycads (or cycadales) has been discovered by scientists. T...

Google Can Identify A Suspicious Mole Or Rash

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Now this is just amazing. Meet Derm Assist, a web-based app that can identify </span><a href="https://www.c...

The Sculpture Made From 350 Cuts Of Paper

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Independent visual artist </span><a href="" target="_blank&...

Goodbye, Darwin’s Arch! Hello, Pillars of Evolution!

On May 17, a natural arch located over half a mile off the coast of Darwin’s Island in the Galapagos Islands had its top removed as “a consequence of natural erosion.” The said natural arch was none oth...

The Ideal “Cocktail” of Physical Activity

We’ve been told by scientists for decades that we need at least 30 minutes of exercise every day if we want to stay healthy and prolong our life. However, it would seem that this advice isn’t enough, dependin...

Hearts As Tiny As A Sesame Seed

<p>In their quest to understand how the human heart works and develops in the womb, scientists exposed some stem cells to a suite of proteins and small molecules that were known to be involved in early huma...

The Strange 1945 Bobbi-Kar

S.A. Williams built a miniature car for his son Bobbi that proved to be so popular, William's friends encouraged him to market a full-size model. There was quite a market for automobiles after World War II, so Williams h...

It's Hard Work to Restore Rio's Christ the Redeemer, But the Views Are Amazing

The enormous statue known as Christ the Redeemer was erected on a hilltop overlooking Rio de Janiero in 1931. Its 90th anniversary is an occasion for maintenance and restoration, as the statue becomes worn and damaged by...

John Steinbeck's Unpublished Werewolf Novel

John Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962, which was fitting, as he was a towering giant of Twentieth Century American literature. Among other novels, he wrote Of Mice and Men and The...

Perfect Peel at the 11foot8+8 Bridge

The railroad over the infamous 11' 8" underpass in Durham, North Carolina, was raised eight inches in 2019, so now it's called the 11'8"+8 bridge. We thought that might be the end of a years-long string of videos in whic...

The Beecher-Tilton Scandal of 1875: A Shocking Event

Henry Ward Beecher was the pastor of the Plymouth Church in Brooklyn and a leading abolitionist in the mid-19th century (and the brother of author Harriet Beecher Stowe). He was also widely rumored to have led numerous a...

The Problem With Electric Car Batteries

At first glance, electric vehicles (EVs) seem to be environment-friendly vehicles because they could reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. However, electric vehicles could prove to be harmful to our environ...

A Neural Network For Organizing Pottery Fragments

<p>Compared to what we see in the movies, archaeology is boring work. There are no mummies or action-packed shootouts against other “treasure hunters”. To be honest, there aren’t even that...

What Happened to Napoleon’s Penis?

After Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1821, his autopsy was witnessed by eight physicians and nine other people. There was a lot of cutting and study, but 200 years later there are still arguments and theories as to what caus...

TV Characters We Never Actually Saw

You probably have a favorite television series in your memory that had a character you never saw. Maybe they were only a voice, or maybe it was someone who got talked about so much that you got to know them. I immediatel...

My Neighbor Totoro Zoetrope

Finished another zoetrope. This time I wanted to make a tribute to one of the greatest animators, Hayao Miyazaki. #StudioGhibli #totoro #catbus #stopmotionanimation #vfx— marvelous med...

How TV Has Changed

(Chris Hallbeck/Maximumble)I remember when I had to explain this phenomenon to my kids, as well as that, once upon a time, you couldn't watch movies on your phone.Now TV shows are often written with the assumption that t...


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