This Program Can Create Multiple Urban Development Designs In Minutes

A company has created a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create a lot of designs for urban developments in a short time. Delve, created by Sidewalk Labs, generates options based on different criteria such as budget, location, and size. The program then ranks the designs it generates so developers can pick the most plausible design for their projects, as Dezeen details: 

The project leverages machine learning, an application of artificial intelligence that uses a base set of data and learns and improves with experience. To create the basis for Delve designs, Sidewalks Labs made a starter model of core components typically used in neighbourhood developments.
"City neighbourhoods have unique personalities, but they also share a lot of the same core components," Sidewalk Labs' director of product management Okalo Ikhena told Dezeen.
"Our team has built a model of these core components that includes buildings, open spaces, amenities, streets, and energy infrastructure," Ikhena added.
"By applying machine learning to that model, Delve explores millions of design possibilities for a given project, measuring the impact of these designs to help development teams arrive at the one that's right for them."

Image via Dezeen

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