Does Vaccination Increase The Risk Of Autism?

Perhaps the most famous concern that anti-vaxxers raise in discussions is the concern that vaccines could cause autism. Fortunately, for the many people who have been vaccinated, this is not the case, and so nobody should worry about vaccinations.

Two recent studies were unable to rule out that H1N1 (“swine flu”) vaccination (“Pandemrix”) and seasonal influenza vaccination given to pregnant women might be associated with autism-spectrum disorder in the offspring. Now, a large study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, refutes any such association.
While some studies indicate that influenza vaccination during pregnancy protects against morbidity in both the woman and her offspring, the long-term risks of H1N1 vaccination during fetal life have not been examined in detail. However two recent studies were unable to rule out that offspring to women undergoing influenza or H1N1 influenza vaccination during pregnancy, and especially during the first trimester, were at increased risk of autism-spectrum disorder.

Head over at Neuroscience News to know more about the study.

What are your thoughts about this one?

(Image Credit: HeungSoon/ Pixabay)

Every time someone asks me about vaccines and anti-vaxxers, I tell them this joke:
A man was absolutely convinced that he is dead, despite that he's still walking and breathing. Exasperated, his family brought him to a scientist who explained in great lengths that there's an irrefutable evidence to determine whether someone's dead or alive.
The scientist took the man to the morgue to examine a dead man's corpse. He explained that since a dead man's heart was no longer beating, the corpse should not bleed when pricked with a needle. So, the scientist did just that and demonstrated that the corpse indeed did not bleed.
Then the scientist turned to the man, and told him to go ahead and prick his finger with a needle. The man did that, and started to bleed. Looking at his finger, he said, "hey, look at that! Dead men do bleed!"
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I'd also like to say we need to de-stigmatize autism. It is not a fate worse than death and I can assure you that without vaccines many people would not live long enough to even know if they had autism. In a lot of ways everyone is autistic and we need to make that part of our community feel they are loved an accepted not just the fault of a vaccine and not something to be pitied. Autism is still very much a mystery and while some may have attached it to Vaccines it really seems that that is correlation rather than true causation.
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It's all about solidarity vs selfishness, group behavior vs freeloading individuality. When you get a vaccine you have a small chance to be sick/to die. You take that risk knowing that the overall health of the population will improve. It's a group behaviour. When I bring my kids to the doctor for their shots, I know I have a very slight chance that I am sacrificing their lives so others can live. It's an important collective decision. Any person refusing collective vaccination should be put aside the group, and pay for 100% of medical costs if he gets sick.
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can someone make a buzzfeed article about vaccines? I think that would be effective. "5 SECRETS ABOUT VACCINATIONS THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW", and it'd be something like (note: I'm just making guesses)1) Vaccinations cost 20x what they should, because the companies know people need them and will pay regardless2) Big Pharma doesn't want you to get vaccinated, because they make more money when you get sick3) Autism is actually caused BEFORE vaccinations by chemicals in your food and environmental conditions, and big companies are using vaccinations as an excuse to avoid responsibility
etc etc
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