Matching Pets with Owners After Camp Fire

The devastation of the Camp Fire in California has killed at least 80 people and destroyed thousands of homes. Thousands of pets have gone missing, and many have been picked up by search and rescue teams. Animals shelters and veterinary clinics took in unidentified cats, dogs, exotic animals, and livestock. The process of returning the pets to their families is a huge task. In the video above, Laci Ping and her husband Curtis Mullins are reunited with their cat Mayson. When you've lost everything, finding a family member is extra special.

The North Valley Animal Disaster Group posted on Facebook that it has 1,798 pets in its emergency shelters.

Wood said that the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is currently taking care of eight goats, two pigs, a mini horse, three horses, a llama, five chickens, one duck, one goose, and 29 cats.

Read about the volunteers who are caring for the animals and see more reunions of people and cats at Buzzfeed.

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