Archive for September 8th, 2018

The Most Beautiful Starbucks in the World

You'd be forgiven if you thought that the photos here are of a high end boutique store. It's actually [Starbucks' first location in Italy](

Exposed to the Elements: A Strange 1920s Death on the Scottish Island of Iona

Nora Emily Fornario, known as Netta, was a young woman in England who had a lifelong fascination with magic. She studied occult subjects along with like-minded friends in the 1920s. Netta was drawn to Scotland, specifica...

Heinz Once Made a Fruit Drink and Called it "Concentrated Help"

Heinz (yes, the ketchup company) once ventured into the beverage market in the 1970s. They decided to make a fruit drink and called it "[Concentrated Help Fruit Drink](

Amazing Photos of Spiral Staircases in Budapest by Balint Alovits

Hungarian photographer Balint Alovits scoured the city of Budapest for amazing spiraling staircases for his photo series "[Time Machine](" > "The ins...

Dumb Things People Believed as Kids

There's so much about the world that children are expected to just pick up from their environment. That means so many things are only half-learned because we don't realize what we are misunderstanding. Ross McClearly ask...

How Amsterdam Cleans up Its Canals: Get Paying Tourists to Pick up the Trash!

Smart (and very eco-conscious): picking up trash in the canals of Amsterdam Smarter: Get someone else to do it for you. GENIUS: ... and make them pay to do it! [PlasticWhale](

Mrs. Herman, Monkey Firefighter

Around the turn of the 20th century, fire stations in New York City were allowed to have one dog as a mascot, or one cat, but not both. Of course, they all had horses to pull the fire engines. Engine Company No. 31 and N...

Victorian-Era Orgasms and the Crisis of Peer Review

It's been a popular tidbit from history that doctors during the Victorian era once treated hysteria in women by manually stimulating them to orgasm. This made doctors popular but tired, so Joseph Mortimer Granville inven...

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