How Instant Ramen Became an Overnight Success

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Instant noodles are a miracle. When you're really broke, they are the cheapest meal you can eat in a hurry, with almost no kitchen equipment necessary. And if you aren't broke, you can dress them up with a variety of other foods. And kids love them. Personally, I avoid ramen because of the association of being way too broke for way too long, but I can understand how others look at these noodles more nostalgically. But where did they come from? Momofuku Ando set out to develop an inexpensive food that could be easily stored. Great Big Story tells us how he did it. -via Geeks Are Sexy 

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It's about 50/50... Half of people develop higher blood pressure with excess salt intake, while the slight majority are not so affected. And in summer, you NEED lots of salt for your body to process the large quantities of water you drink. Before Gatorade got popular, salt tablets were commonly given to athletes and physical laborers.
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Other similarly cheap, quick and easy meals which don't require refrigeration include: boxes of mac & cheese, instant rice, stuffing, powdered potatoes, peanut butter crackers, cans of beans... etc

I only went without refrigeration for a brief period, but it left an indelible impression. It's always on my mind how much of my food will need to be trashed if my refrigerator quits suddenly, and I prefer shelf stable versions of foods (eg canned rather than frozen) where possible.
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