Archive for July 7th, 2018

Wallace the Great Barred from Dressage Competition

Three horses on Christie Mclean's dressage team had gone lame, and as they were shorthanded, Mclean volunteered to ride Wallace the Great. Wallace had done well in local low-level dressage competitions for the past month...

Cockatoo Panics When Owner Disappears

(YouTube link)Remember the cat that got upset when her owner disappeared? A guy in Romania pulled the same disappearing act in front of his cockatoo. This is one pet that can vocalize his dismay! People all over are tryi...

Why Are There Palm Trees in Los Angeles?

In 1875, Los Angeles was a town of around 8,000 people, and there were no palm trees in sight. The palm trees were added to make people want to come and buy land in southern California, but it wasn't L.A.'s developers or...

Selfie Trained

(YouTube link)A border collie named Maker obeys all commands even when the commander has his back turned, as you can see in this selfie video from dog trainer JohnK9. That's a good dog. -via reddit border collie, dog tra...

Made-Up Historical Facts

John Atkinson at Wrong Hands hands out the BS with his latest comic. The level of plausibility for the five weird "facts" is about equivalent, meaning any of them could be true if you remove the punch line. Atkinson says...


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