Archive for July 1st, 2018

Six New Cheetah Cubs

Cheetahs are notoriously hard to breed in captivity, but that only causes serious breeding programs to work harder to meet the cats' needs. For some institutions, that work is paying off. A cheetah named Kyan at the Taro...

Explaining Canada Day to America

[] (YouTube link)Today is Canada Day! In this humorous video, a Canadian explains to his neighbor what Canada has to celebrate. The American talks about celebration, too, but neither one go in...

The Weirdest Statues of the American Presidents

There are statues of various American presidents all over, with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln leading the pack. But you've probably never seen the sexy young shirtless Lincoln depicted in the statue shown here, w...

The World's Longest Lightsaber

[] (YouTube link)One of the many minor quibbles with Star Wars is how lightsabers work. Lasers don't go to a certain length and then stop! But in a fictional world there are very good...

The Harsh Reality of Food for Little House Pioneers

The Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder were a romanticized version of her childhood memories, written for children. As with many people, the good times stand out the most when recalls their childhood. Th...

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