Archive for March 8th, 2018

Follow Me (Down The Rabbit Hole) - Life Is But A Digital Dream

Follow Me (Down the rabbit Hole) by kgullholmenIf Alice were alive today she wouldn't have had to take an actual trip down the rabbit hole because she could have experienced all the tea party madness, tripped out char...

Never Turn Your Back on a Leopard

Dolph C. Volker, the Cheeta Whisperer (previously at Neatorama), shows us the difference between big cats that are "ambush predators" and those that aren't. Cheetahs chase their prey; that's what they are built for. But...

Straight Flush: The Story of Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader

Before smartphones took over the world, you would often see a magazine rack in someone's bathroom. Magazine articles are short or long, and you selected what to read by how long you thought you'd be in there. That's exac...

This Time-Lapse Footage Of An Artist Painting A Fearsome Dragon Portrait Will Blow You Away

Watching people paint in real time can literally feel like watching paint dry, but watching an artist work on an incredibly detailed and beautiful painting in time lapse can be quite thrilling and inspirational.This is e...

So Long, and Thanks for All the Bricks!

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the premiere of a radio series called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Written by Douglas Adams, it first aired on March 8, 1978 on BBC Radio 4. In an era when radio play...

The Notorious RBG Documentary Has a Trailer

Ruth Bader Ginsberg is the longest-serving woman justice on the US Supreme Court, and only the second woman ever appoint to the Court. But she had quite a distinguished career even before that. She was already a wife and...

Romeow and Mewliet

These star-crossed lovers of the feline variety are not pussyfooting around! What will their families think? Cactussa took this picture in Chefchaouen, Morocco. Chefchaouen is renowned for its buildings washed in various...


Orcs are fearsome and savage creatures in their own right, green-skinned killing machines from a primordial era when humans did not yet rule the Earth, but imagine how much scarier they'd be if they were on meth.Now I'm...

No, Getting a Hole Drilled in Your Head Was Never a Migraine Cure

We have skeletal evidence of human brain surgery going back 12,000 years, but since there was no written language to accompany those early cases, the reasons for trepanation in ancient cultures is a matter of conjecture....

Get Happy By Watching This Video Of A Puppy Discovering Snow

Seeing snow fall for the first time generally blows a child's mind, and adults who have never seen flakes of snow fall from the sky are often quite tripped out by the experience as well.However, no human can ever know ho...

Tales From A Hollywood Child Wrangler

Movies, TV shows, and advertisements wouldn't reflect real life if they didn't include children and even babies. But children aren't experienced actors- at least most of them aren't. And there are strict labor laws cover...

Murderers Who Confessed Their Crimes On Facebook

Murderers rarely confess to their crimes before being questioned by police or arrested, but killers who suddenly find they have a conscience, or feel like gloating about their crime, have started using social media like...

The Cat In The Hutt - Slave Leia Hears A Slurp

The Cat in the Hutt by Kenny DurkinThe Cat in the Hat had always been an imaginative fellow, and he had always enjoyed letting his mind wander into whichever book he's reading or TV show he's watching, but when he was...

The Blanket Dance

This is just because you need to watch something totally goofy at least once a day. There was a fad for a while for making blankets without sewing: get two pieces of synthetic fabric -the kind that doesn't unravel, cut a...

All The Things You Can Do With Your College Degree

College degrees used to be seen as these amazing sheets of paper that unlock a world of potential in our lives, allowing us to become educated heroes and head down the career path we've always dreamed of.But then you gra...

Viola Desmond, the New Face on the Canadian $10 Bill

Later this year, a new $10 bill design will be put into circulation in Canada. It will feature the image of Viola Desmond, the first Canadian woman to grace Canada's most common currency note. If you've never heard of Vi...

Six Boxes, Seven Cats

The premise is right in the title. This is an elaborate cat trap, situated so that the feline stars will be facing the camera. The first cat gets his choice of box, and the rest can select from the leftovers. I like the...

Secrets of the Avocado

(Image credit: Kjokkenutstyr)The following is an article from Uncle John's 24-Karat Gold Bathroom Reader.Inside that textured green skin, it’s ripe with mystery. It’s an “evolutionary anac...

How Fast Can a Machine Solve a Rubik's Cube?

How fast can a machine solve a Rubik's cube? The answer is 0.38 seconds. Blink and you'll miss it. But they will show it again in slow motion.[] (YouTube link)What kind of machine does this? I...

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