Archive for December 13th, 2017

Gorgeous Gravity-Defying Sculpture Made From An 80-Year-Old Wooden Escalator

The first working escalator was built and installed at Coney Island in 1896, and even though the steps on the first escalator were made of cast iron later models made by Otis used steps made of wood to reduce weight and...

How Titanic’s Iconic Necklace Almost Sank an Entire Company

You can buy a replica of the necklace from the 1997 film Titanic from many vendors, but only one company got the rights to the design from the film: The J. Peterman Company. Their replicas were authentic, well-m...

NO PORGS! - What Did Those Cute Little Critters Ever Do To You?

NO PORGS! by ALIENBIKER23Most people are looking forward to seeing the Porgs on the big screen this winter, referring to them as the cutest little aliens ever, but despite their wide-eyed cuteness there are a bunch of...

Seven Years

Life becomes more precious when you realize how precarious it is. Joy is celebrating the milestones of life. Hope means making plans in spite of your experience. In 2010, Randall Munroe's fiancée (now wife) was di...

Insights from a Sled Dog Veterinarian

A comment thread about snow dogs led me to an interesting interview with Dr. Susan Whiton, an Alaskan veterinarian who is married to a champion musher who runs a sled dog kennel. She talked about how Siberian Huskies, Al...

Using Amazon Prime for a Good Deed

Rob Bliss (previously at Neatorama) lives in New York City, where "same day delivery" means someone will bring what you buy fairly quickly. What would be the greatest good he could use that for? He approached homeless pe...

These Parents Are Clearly Time Travelers From The Future

(Via @abi_slade)Kids love to act like their parents are totally unhip, uncool and out of touch, usually because their friends think the road to coolsville intersects with too cool for school lane.But what these youngster...

United State of Pop 2017 (How We Do It)

DJ Earworm is back with the ultimate year-end music mashup. His mix for 2017 highlights the dance sounds of modern pop music. The 25 biggest songs of 2017 are all in the mix, which all together has a definite Latin sound...

The Doomsday Diet

The 1950s Cold War craze for fallout shelters was a serious undertaking for the US government. Nuclear war with the Soviets seemed inevitable, and the prudent thing to do was prepare for it. While public campaigns urged...

Gentle Bat Waits Patiently While Human Snips Off Netting That Entangled Him

Bats got a bad reputation when they became associated with vampires, witches and horror movies like Cujo, but in reality bats are gentle, and often skittish, critters who just want to hang with their bat buds in peace.So...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Almost Famous

The 2000 movie Almost Famous is a fictionalized account of writer Cameron Crowe's experiences as a teenager writing about 1970s rock bands for Rolling Stone. The film didn't do all that well at the box...

Refreshing Facts About Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is such a big hit around the world that some people refer to all colas as "Coke", and even though the syrupy brown beverage invented by druggist John S. Pemberton in 1886 is bad for your health it's still a cla...

Google's Year in Search 2017

One quite valid way to look back at the year gone by is to see what people wanted to know more about. Search engines are not only the easiest way to get more information, but those searches are also documented. Every yea...

The Head - A Magically Bloody Warning For Meddling Kids

The head by trheewoodMabel wanted to leave the mystery hunting behind but the keepers of the mystery refused to let her go away peacefully- so they decided to make her life into a nightmare. It all started when she an...

Truly Messed Up Storylines From The Pages Of The Flash

Batsy isn't the only one who has witnessed, and done, some dark deeds in the DC Universe, because the Flash has quickly become one seriously dark dude!(If you watch the CW show then you probably know some of these storyl...

Hanukkah 1932

The eight-day celebration of Hanukkah began last night. It is tradition to publicize the miracle of the Maccabees by placing the menorah in a window for all to see. In 1932, in the town of Kiel, Germany, Rabbi Dr. Akiva...

Professional Tattoo Artists Critique Celebrity Tattoos

Celebrities are known for making poor decisions when it comes to partying, social media posts and how they spend their money, but they have the worst judgment by far when it comes to getting tattoos.You'd think people wh...

Dr. No: The First James Bond Movie

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.October 5, 1962 stands as a red letter day in the history of American pop cultur...

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