Archive for November 20th, 2017

The Savvy Marketing That Put Marshmallows on Your Sweet Potato Casserole

In 1895, Joseph Demerath came up with a way to manufacture marshmallows in mass quantities, which made them affordable outside the upper class for the first time. This kicked off a marshmallow craze that lasted for the n...

Why Do People Still Think the Earth is Flat?

Raleigh, North Carolina, was the site of the first Flat Earth International Conference a couple of weeks ago. A few hundred people traveled from all over to meet with like-minded people who reject the notion that the Ear...

Die Of A Kombucha Overdose In Travel Oregon's Updated Version Of Oregon Trail

People used to risk their virtual lives along the Oregon Trail, facing wild bears, broken axles, starvation and the ever present threat of dysentery, all so the survivors of the trip could live a better life.But now it's...

A Backhanded Compliment

She wanted to say something nice about him, but it may be that she would have been better off saying nothing at all. I looked up "Pareto optimal" and went to Wikipedia.Pareto efficiency or Pareto optimality is a state of...

Holding a Baby for the First Time

In this video experiment, Cut handed a baby to quite a few people who had never held an infant before. Watch their faces, and the awkward way they hold the child. Most found it a surprising experience. They all had diffe...

Who's This? - Jack And The Blue Police Box

Who's This? by Karen HallionEver since Jack cracked the Christmas code he's been looking for something new to obsess about, and as if he'd read Mr. Skellington's mind the Doctor appeared in Halloweentown. He didn't m...

These May Be the World’s First Images of Dogs

Dog pictures! They've been around a long time. The oldest art that depicts dogs has been dated to between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago. Some of the dogs in the rock carvings appear to be on leashes, and could indicate that...

Enchant Your Eyeballs By Watching This Creepy Cute Cartoon Entitled The Summoning

Practitioners of the Dark Arts utilize the skills they've learned in various ways, from casting spells to scrying to communicating with the dead, but only the bravest black magic users attempt a ritual of summoning.Summo...

Rare Photograph of Billy the Kid Found at a Flea Market

For a hundred years or so, there was only one known photograph of William Bonney, also known as Billy the Kid. Two years ago, a second one surfaced of the outlaw playing croquet at a wedding. Frank Abrams, an attorney in...

R. Crumb's Early Days As An Illustrator For American Greetings

Robert Crumb is a comic art pioneer, a trailblazer in the world of indie comix and one of America's most famous illustrators, but before he became the Big Cheese R. Crumb had to join the rat race just like everyone else....

Weightless: Jean-Baptiste Chandelier

Jean-Baptiste Chandelier is a professional paraglider and videographer. This video shows him flying in places one shouldn't go and performing stunts one shouldn't attempt -at least without extensive training, legal permi...

Start The Season Of Partying Off Right With A Festive New NeatoShop T-Shirt

T-Wrecked by Alan BaoThe holiday season is all about getting together with friends and family, enjoying the company of others and having a good old time- in other words the holidays are all about partying!If you're a pa...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

While the 2005 movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was more faithful to Roald Dahl's book of the same name, it is the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory that people recall fondly. The...

Things People Should, But Don't, Tell You About Having Kids

People giving parenting tips often come across as guilt-tripping, with the subtext being "You're doing it wrong." Reading this list, it occurs to me that encouragement, reassurance, and advice is much better given when p...

Climbable Christmas Tree

Jayne, the proprietor of the Etsy shop likekittysville sells cat accessories like beds you can hang on a wall. She also was kind enough to post the instructions for making the marvelous climbable Christmas tree she desig...

The First Detective

The following is an article from the book Uncle John's Canoramic Bathroom Reader.Sherlock Holmes, Jean Valjean, and the FBI can all trace their roots back to one Frenchman who turned a life of crime into a l...

Evil Queen & Maleficent - A Pair Of Dark Dames

Evil Queen & Maleficent by Nicole Graham ArtMaleficent and the Evil Queen are two of the most wicked women who ever existed, but that doesn't mean they're unfamiliar with the concept of friendship. But it takes a...

Sweden's Recycling Program Is Doing So Well They've Run Out Of Trash

(Image Link)One of the initial goals of all recycling programs is the minimization of waste entering the landfills, because if you remove all recyclable materials from the trash you've got a whole lot less mess to deal w...

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