Archive for September 29th, 2017

How Not to Avoid a Murder Charge

Reverend Jacob S. Harden was only 22 years old and trying to establish himself as the pastor in Andersontown, New Jersey. He had married Louisa Dorland under pressure from her parents and rumors about him that Harden sus...

This Cute Little Owl Complains Whenever The Petting Stops

There's a bunny in Japan who won't let their human stop petting them, and he throws a tantrum when the stroking stops, which apparently isn't an uncommon rabbit behavior.But as far as I know most owls don't care much for...

Rad Scream - Dude, You Totally Stabbed Me Bro! Not Cool!

Rad Scream by Vincent Trinidad The original Scream movie wasn't made in the 80s, but it had that old school slasher flick feel so it has been given honorary 80s status as a "radical horror film of note". Now let'...

Cracking the Murder Mystery

The question is: Whodunit? It's possible that pointing the finger will make you look guilty, so I don't want to appear too sure about it. But the odds are that the only insane killer clown in the room might be the perpet...

A Happy Story in Five Words

The term "flash fiction" is used to describe a writing prompt in which people are challenged to write a story using very few words. It may have been inspired by the six-word story "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." ascr...

Birds That Escape From Captivity Are Teaching Other Birds How To Speak (And Swear)

Some birds are so smart they can not only learn to speak like a human- they can also teach other birds how to speak.And when these chatty birds escape from captivity they take their ability to imitate human language with...

Brian and Charles

Brian is a single sheep farmer in an isolated area. He gets lonely, particularly when he's snowed in. During one of those winters, he built himself a robot for companionship. It's not a good-looking robot. And it's not v...

Guy Gets Same Tattoo As His Adopted Dog, Soon Realizes He Made A Terrible Mistake

(Image Link)It's not a good idea to get a symbol tattooed on your skin without finding out what it means first, just ask anyone who got a tattoo in Chinese or Japanese or Sanskrit during college.The guy in the photo abov...

How You Really Use Exercise Machines

Sooner or later, everyone has an exercise machine of one sort or another in their home. It was that time you really, really had every intention to get into shape. The truth is, even after making a financial commitment, e...

Strange And Twisted Stuff Seen In Children's Books

If kids created children's books they probably wouldn't think to include double entendres in the dialog and sneaky little pictures in the background, but they don't- adults create kids books, so they like to include a li...

17 Cool Facts About Iconic Bill Murray Movies

When Bill Murray replaced Chevy Chase in the Not Ready for Primetime Players in 1976, no one knew he would go on to movie stardom. But he took his quick wit and willingness to go the extra mile for a laugh that made ...

Watching This Guy Pop The Giant Water Bubble In His Lawn Is Oddly Satisfying

Some people are so obsessed with having a perfect looking lawn that they water it daily, trim it weekly and ignore all water conservation rules and regulations just so they can admire its lush green beauty.But the giant...

I Tried a Vintage Mail Order Bodybuilding Course

The small ads in the back of magazines used to make all kinds of outlandish promises. In the 1950s, Body-Tone offered the “World’s Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System.” The image hinted that you...

Mark Of The Dark - Show The World Your Spooky Side

The Mark of the Dark by Barrett BiggersMaking pacts with evil powers will leave you marked for the rest of eternity, because that stain on your soul stays with you well after your physical body has passed away. Some s...

Have a Cup on National Coffee Day

September 29 is National Coffee Day! How should you celebrate? With a cup of coffee, of course!  Learn about the chemistry and physics behind the perfect cup of coffee at Smithsonian. Or see some coffee statistics....

Things You Don't Know About Hugh Hefner

No matter how you felt about Hugh Hefner before his death, there's no denying he changed the publishing landscape forever. Over on Complex, you can read ten fascinating facts about the Playboy founder including...

Fight Like a Girl

How a group of 20th-century suffragettes fought the man.Had the police known there was barbed wire hidden in the floral arrangements, things might have gone a little differently. As it stood, in March of 1914, o...

18 Insanely Creepy Movie Facts

Sometimes knowing more about a horror film just makes it scarier. It's enough to make you believe that these films were cursed. For example,9. While filming Poltergeist, Oliver Robins, aka Robbie, truly got choked by the...

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