Archive for August 20th, 2017

Mama Raccoon and Bratty Kit

Motherhood has never been easy, especially when you have several young ones to keep track of. This raccoon has at least two kits, maybe more. When it's nap time, she wants to get them all into the tree where they live so...

RIP Jerry Lewis

Comedian and movie star Jerry Lewis died Sunday morning at his home in Las Vegas. He was long known as half of the comedy duo Martin and Lewis, who performed together in 16 films over ten years. Lewis then starred in a s...

How Glass Top Pool Tables Work

Transparent pool tables look just plain slick both literally and figuratively, but as nice as they look the old school pool shark in me screams "there's no way that functions like felt!" every time I see one.But as I dis...

18 Science Fiction Spacesuits, Ranked

Spacesuits in TV and movies may look cool, but how safe and usable would they be in real life? Some of them were designed for media before we actually put a human into contact with space, so we can't expect them to be an...

This Custom Built 'Surf Seeker' Volkswagen Microbus Looks Like A Real Life Cartoon Car

I used to read a magazine called CARtoons that was full of hot rod art reminiscent of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth's high octane illustrations from the 60s, and I've always wondered what those cars would look like in rea...

Eye Deal - Death Is Behind Every Door

Eye deal by karlangas If you ever encounter a wild and feral looking humaniod who asks if you'd like your every wish to come true simply turn around and run away from them as fast as you can- because their deal i...

Your City's 'Ghost Signs' Have Stories to Tell

Once upon a time, the side of a building was as good an advertising medium as any, and many were painted to alert passers-by to the business inside, or for some totally unrelated product. Now they are part of history, so...

Nabisco's X-Rated Toy Scandal Of 1971

Nabisco has maintained a reputation as a wholesome and family friendly company for over a century, and in that time they've had very little to worry about in terms of public backlash or scandal.But there was one time whe...

Are You Above Or Below Average?

How average you are depends on how many different parameters you are looking at. If you look at more statistics, you'll find some category in which you are exceptional, and that, too, is quite normal. It turns out I am a...

Portraits Of The Vibrant Residents Of A Single East Berlin Street From The 1980s

An interesting thing happens when like-minded people move in to the same building or on to the same street and form a symbiotic microcosm- the street or building comes alive with human energy.This human energy explosion...

Her Name is Dignity

Riding along interstate 90 in South Dakota, you expect to see roadside art. But a glorious new statue went up last year that dominates the landscape as she welcomes you. You'll find Dignity between exits 263 and 265 near...

Dog with an Advertising Job

Here's a dog with a unique job. He walks around the tourist district of Huangpu village in China, showing everyone a sign advertising his owner's hamburger shop![] (YouTube link)Take his word...

USS Indianapolis Found

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 72 years ago, a Japanese torpedo tore through the hull of the USS Indianapolis. The ship sank 18,000 feet to the bottom of the sea, and wasn't seen again -until Friday.The Indianap...

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