Archive for May 30th, 2017

What Goth Culture Looks Like Around The World

The goth subculture may have began in the US and UK but nowadays there are goth kids in practically every corner of the world, with each group adding their own cultural spin on the standard goth styles.In Brazil the goth...

An Honest Trailer for Catwoman

Wonder Woman opened in theaters this weekend, and both audiences and critics love it. Screen Junkies decided that it was a good time to look back at a really bad superhero film designed around a woman: the 2004...

The Hardest College To Get Into In Each State

Harvard University has always had a reputation for being one of the toughest colleges in the world for students to get into, so it's no surprise Harvard tops the list of colleges with the lowest acceptance rate in Massac...

Will Robots Take Your Job?

More and more occupations are being automated, first manufacturing jobs, then engineering careers, and now more and more service jobs. The future is wide open, as computer hardware and software are enabling machines to d...

Hilarious Moms Explain Why Bathing Suits Are Total BS

Wearing a bathing suit to the beach or while you swim in the pool shouldn't be that big of a deal, but unrealistic standards of beauty and pressure to have a perfect body have made many people feel insecure about their s...

7 TV Characters Killed Off Out of Spite

TV characters come and go from shows for many reasons, but in some cases, the character is unexpectedly killed off so that there's no chance of them ever coming back. If a character is just suddenly dead with no warning,...

$22 Date Vs. $100 Date Vs. $1160 Date- Which Is Better?

Dating shouldn't be all about how much your date spends on you- it should be about getting to know each other better and discovering ways to have fun together. So there shouldn't be a big difference between a $22 date, a...

Black Bear Attack Caught On GoPro

You'll hear one thing stated a dozen different ways when you visit parks in bear country- steer clear of bears, or you might end up mauled or dead.This warning is enough to keep visitors on their toes and keep the timid...

Our Six Favorite Fictional TV Athletes

TV is full of real, talented athletes that bring in millions of dollars for the networks. But fictional athletes come with backstories, flaws, and lives outside of the arena bestowed on them by professional storytellers....

It's Dangerous To Go Alone Retro - The Cutting Edge Of Old School Gaming

It's Dangerous to Go Alone Retro by Don CorgiIt's the line that launched a dozen Legend titles, the line uttered by an old man in a cave who was just hanging around waiting for a hero like Link to show up and claim the...

Three-Year-Old Dresses Up As Famous Women In Honor Of Her Grandma

Three-year-olds look adorable and precious no matter what they're doing, but when they dress up and pretend to be famous people they ought to be in pictures!The little poser in the pic above is Scout, and she has more st...

How Crystal Rose Candy is Made

Look at this beautiful candy! Each piece looks like an antique glass paperweight with a rose blossom inside.  Gregory Cohen of Lofty Pursuits (previously at Neatorama) shows us how they are made. While this batch of...

The Craziest Cravings Women Had During Their Pregnancies

Nothing like a little Nutella on your burrito, right? Yeah, while most pregnant woman don't really have over-the-top pregnancy cravings, the ice cream and pickles craving does strike a handful of ladies. Over on Buzzfeed...

George Washington's Teeth

One of the joys of parenting is the temporary ability to spin crazy yarns to someone who will swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Calvin's Dad took great advantage of that, and so does this fellow. The real payoff comes y...

How Fast Food Chain Failures In America Led To Success Overseas

It's hard for new fast food chains to compete with the big names who have cemented their control of cities across America, and even Kenny Rogers couldn't compete with the big chicken chains- his chain of Kenny Rogers...

Oklahoma and Texas Look Almost Like a Cooking Pan

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!by Xingjian Liu1, Tinghua Ai2, and Yaolin Liu2In this paper, we apply...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Sofa

Watch out, evildoers! The couch is here to restore justice to the city! All it needs is some pizza... Even without the title, that face would be the first thing you saw in this picture, admit it. This couch was spotted o...

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