Archive for April 28th, 2017

Who Killed the Iceman?

Over 5,000 years ago, a man walking in the Alps was murdered. We would have never known about it, if the murder victim hadn't fallen into a ravine and became frozen in a glacier. Discovered by hikers in 1991, he became k...

Driving a Stick Shift Explained with Death Metal

Guitarist David Wu of the band Cyborg Octopus and vocalist Travis Bartosek of the band Abiotic teamed up to explain the intricacies of driving a car with a manual transmission. With a death metal song. The task is not ea...

This Custom Dewback Couch Is Strictly For Lounge Lizards

Geeky home furnishings have never been hotter than they are today, and as pop culture trends continue to be profitable companies will keep coming out with cool stuff to clutter up our homes.But after seeing this amazing...

Excited Electron - They Have The Power To Change Our Lives

Excited electron by AndropovThe fact that an electron has the power to lighten any mood is not lost on scientists, and because electrons have a negative elementary electric charge they work like a double negative and...

Twerking Cat

You've seen how your cat gets ready to pounce on prey, whether real or toy: the head drops, the eyes dilate, and the hindquarters go into windup mode. Here we see Pusic (previously at Neatorama) putting that response to...

What The Descendents Of Dictators Are Up To Today

(Image Link)You may hate members of your own family, finding them loathsome and annoying to be around, but imagine if your father was Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein or Slobodan Milošević, wouldn't you hate them...

Simon's Cat in Dinner Date: Just Desserts

We finally get part three of Simon Tofield's dinner date that began back in February. And as expected, Simon's Cat wants to be involved. To be honest, he wants to control the narrative.[] (You...

Doritos Is Releasing A Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Bag That Plays The Whole Soundtrack

Doritos has come up with a strange way to tie their Nacho Cheese chips in with Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2- they're including a music player loaded with the Awesome Mix Vol. 2 in limited edition bags.All you...

Would You Buy a Used Car from This Man?

Eugene Romanovsky has finally decided to sell his 1996 Suzuki Vitara. He made an ad for the car that you will enjoy.[] (YouTube link)Yeah, you want to buy this car after seeing the ad, but Rom...

Nordstrom is Just Trolling Customers At This Point

In the last few months, Nordstrom has released an $85 rock in a leather holster and a $95 pair of mom jeans with clear plastic knees. Now they're really stepping up their game with a $425 pair of jeans that comes pre-dir...

10 Easy-to-Grow Plants for First-Time Gardeners

If you've caught the gardening bug because you finally have the land and the weather to do it, good luck in what is sure to become a satisfying hobby. First off, expect some failures, because that happens any time you tr...

Why Living On The Enterprise Would Be Awful

Some aspects of life on the Starship Enterprise would appeal to all sci-fi fans- meeting aliens from all over the galaxy, having all of your needs met by machines, the cool clothes, the tech and the holodeck, just to nam...

The Nazi Who Infiltrated National Geographic

A propaganda program in Nazi Germany featured a commentator who called himself Paul Revere. He was an American who lauded the Hitler and the Nazi party in English six nights a week. Americans could monitor the show on sh...

Talented Carpenter Demonstrates How He Turns A Beech Wood Log Into A Bowl

Watching videos of people using tools in the shop to cut, smash, burn, blow up and otherwise destroy stuff is cool, but to me it's even cooler to see a talented craftsman at work making something beautiful.If you've ever...

Waifu Material - If You Liked It Then You Should Have Put A Ringu On It

Waifu Material by Inkling ApparelThere's a difference between being a wife and being waifu, and it's not just the spelling of the word. It has to do with reality and fantasy, the truth about love and marriage and the...

Pop Culture Characters in Van Gogh's Starry Night

Artist Aja Kusick has a series of paintings that set fictional characters into the beautiful landscape of Van Gogh's iconic painting Starry Night. After a blog mistakenly attributed Kusick's painting of the Eiffel Tower...

What The Terminator Says In The Spanish Language Version Of T2 Instead Of "Hasta La Vista, Baby"

It's doubtful Arnold Schwarzenegger knew how iconic his "Hasta la vista, baby" line from Terminator 2: Judgment Day would become, but now we can't say "see you later" in Spanish without hearing Arnie's voice in...

10 Ways the Bicycle Moved Us Forward

(Image credit: Katie Carey)How two little wheels spun a revolution in dating, fashion, medicine, and space travel.1. IT REVOLUTIONIZED HOW PEOPLE HOOK UP, A CENTURY BEFORE TINDER. When bicycle prices dropped in...

An Oral History of Austin Powers

It's been twenty years since Mike Myers introduced us to Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery. The movie was a sendup of James Bond films, with the added flavor of other 1960s pop culture icons like Peter...

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