Archive for October 14th, 2016

Hail to the Pumpkin Song - This Is My Favorite Time Of Fear!

Hail to the Pumpkin Song by Aaron MoralesHappy October, boos and ghouls! Are you ready for your ol' uncle Jack to pay you a visit in the middle of the night? No, not the creepy one who always has that look in his eye, J...

Thieving Raccoon Caught on Camera

Guy Williams tried to get some video of a raccoon he spotted on the campus of Bellarmine University in Kentucky. He had been feeding the raccoon acorns and even named him Stanley. Williams set his phone down while record...

Poor Pitiful Luigi Is Forever Player 2

(Image Link)Poor Luigi - he's been a Mario Bro since the very beginning, and yet he's still overshadowed by his brother Mario and looked down upon by everybody else in the Mushroom Kingdom.(Image Link)You'd think his hon...

What School Lunch Looked Like Each Decade for the Past Century

When I ate in the school cafeteria in the 1960s, we ate beans and cornbread at least twice a week. Fish sticks on Fridays, and various mystery meats with mushy canned vegetables the rest of the time.  But my husband...

What It Would Be Like To Wake Up In Grand Theft Auto V

All gamers wonder what it would be like to live inside a video game world, but the truth is most game worlds would be too grim, dangerous and/or downright terrifying to live in for long.For instance, the settings for the...

The Surprising Genius Of The "I Voted" Sticker

The little stickers that say “I Voted” started showing up in the ‘80s, and hung around for years. But now, many voting boards have cut back on their use, citing expense. They should have asked the blood...

The Origin Of The Phrase "Guess What Chicken Butt"

(Image Link)Ask a little kid "guess what?", wait for them to say "what?" then reply "chicken butt" and watch their face light up at the absurdity of what you just said, either that or they'll yell something like "you're...

Husband Makes Wife Harry Potter-Inspired Pensieve Full Of Happy Memories

A "Pensieve" is a magical object that only exists in the world of Harry Potter. It is a vessel used to view or relive stored memories. With a little work, it can be recreated in the world of Muggles, as Matt Bra...

Every Online Job Posting Ever

Job hunting can really crush your spirits, especially when you've put in time getting a degree, effort learning relevant skills and energy working for years only to find you lack a degree in forklift operation.It seems l...

Dogs vs. Leaf Blowers

Here we find out that a leaf blower is not just an autumn time-saving machine, but also a hi-tech dog toy. These canines want to catch the wind, or enjoy the rush of wind in their hair, or maybe attack that infernal cont...

A New Room Was Just Discovered at the Winchester Mystery House

It's been almost 100 years since the famously disturbed Sarah Winchester died, but we're still discovering new surprising things about her legendary Mystery House in San Jose. After Sarah was accidentally trapped in an a...

The Maniacs - We're Too Busy Singing To Hack Anybody Down

The Maniacs by ddjvigoThey had all retired from showbiz and moved on with their murderous lives, but something kept bringing them back together in dreams. Freddy was normally in control of who he shared the Dream World...

It’s Taking Over My Brain!

The following article is from Uncle John’s Factastic Bathroom Reader.As you may recall from your eighth-grade biology class, protozoa are single-celled creatures. Here’s something your teacher pr...

People Who Hate Cats Are Forced To Hang Out With Kittens

It's hard for a cat lover to understand how someone could hate our feline friends, especially in their compact and ultra-cute kitten form, but there are cat haters among us- and they look just like you and I.They often d...

Wile E. Coyote Got Wheels

This biker is ready for Halloween! Spotted in Mission Viejo, California, he’s got all the equipment he needs: ACME rockets, a butterfly net, and a “Yikes!” sign he can use when he drives off a cliff wit...

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