Archive for October 2nd, 2016

Awesome Carved Pumpkin Displays From The Great Jack-O'-Lantern Blaze

Tis the season to carve pumpkins, aka Fall-la-la-la-la, but chances are whatever you're planning to carve up won't look anything like the stuff they're carving up at The Great Jack-O'-Lantern Blaze in Hudson Valley, New...

Toad Stacking

It’s amazing the skills people will develop when they are bored. In Australia, you can learn toad stacking. Here, a fellow from Swamp Garage shows us how to stack three toads.[] (YouTube...

NASA "Fixed" Astrology By Adding A 13th Sign To The Zodiac

Side note Ophiuchus looks like he couldn't find a towel when he got out the shower so grabbed a snake instead— Deanna (@DEAsappointment) September 21, 2016 Believe it or not some peopl...

11 Sweet Facts About Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at sundown today (October 2) and lasts until sundown on Tuesday. If you celebrate the first of the High Holy Days, you already know that. If you don’t, then you might want...

Powerful Characters Who Have Beaten Up Superman

(Image Link)Superman is generally thought of as the most powerful and least vulnerable character in the comics, an alien badass who apparently can't be killed or made to look less than drop dead gorgeous.But there's one...

Charming Paintings of Books and Their Hilarious Forgotten Titles

You remember a book you liked, but can’t recall the title. How do you find that book? Artist Marina Luz has been in that situation, and created a series of images she calls IF I DON’T FIND THIS BOOK I WIL...

Guy Uses Flashlight To Reveal All The Spiders Crawling Around In His Yard

If you are the least bit arachnophobic you might not want to watch this video, because it may make you feel like you're surrounded by creepy crawlies.YouTuber UsefulWidget uncovered a terrifying number of spiders lurking...

Ellis Island Immigrants in Color

Augustus Frederick Sherman was a clerk at Ellis Island from 1892 to 1925. He was also a gifted amateur photographer. Beginning in 1904, he took portraits of some of the immigrants who were detained for further examinatio...

Mr. Tikachu - Fools Are Born To Be Pitied

Mr. Tikachu by etcherSketchNow that so many fools have become trainers thanks to GO the pocket monsters of the world are getting fed up with being pursued and having wanna-be trainers throw pokeballs at them. So they th...

You, Yes You, Can Be A Demogorgon This Halloween

The scariest thing we've seen this year has to be the demogorgon from Stranger Things. This year you can actually be the terrifying flower monster -that is, if you have the skill to follow this impressive makeup...

Adult Bookstore

There are some things that are hard to explain to children. But you can make it easy on yourself with some quick thinking. My family drove past a local store with a large sign that said “Adult Store.” My daug...

1920s London Underground Posters

Once upon a time, a long time ago, people had to be encouraged to use the subway. In the 1920s, a variety of posters urged Londoners to use the Underground. These gorgeous art deco designs reminded travelers that it&rsqu...

8-bit Cinema Presents Stranger Things

The Netflix show Stranger Things is a real hit, with its creepy story and its ‘80s vibe. So the folks at 8-bit Cinema saw it as as a perfect story to recreate in old-school video game style. (Yes, I know t...

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