Archive for August 9th, 2016

A Squirrel’s Eye View

Have you ever wondered what a squirrel sees as he is running through the trees? Here ya go! This squirrel picked up a GoPro camera and took off with it, with the lens fortunately pointed forward.[

The Sad Saga of William the Worm

Wes Metcalfe went to Tesco in Dinnington Sheffield and bought a cucumber that had a worm in it. He wrote a Facebook post about it, aimed at Tesco. He wasn’t complaining that his cucumber had a worm in it, but that...

Why Olympians Bite Their Medals

You’ve probably seen the pictures of winners at Olympic medal ceremonies biting their gold medals. In this video, Simon Whistler of Today I Found Out explains why they do it. Yes, they only do it because the photog...

Ten Seriously Funny Batman Webcomics

(Comic via John McNamee's Pie Comic)Batman is already in the comics plenty, but all we ever get to see is his scowling sourpuss serious side and we almost never witness ol' Batsy having any fun.So what does the Caped Cru...

The Great American Horse Race Won By A Mule

The horse race has a tradition as long as horses have been domesticated, but what kind of sadistic mind organized a horse race that was 3,500 miles long? It was the Great American Horse Race in 1976, a part of the U.S. b...

Writer Travels Across The U.S. To Investigate The Swedish Fish Theory

There's a theory going around the Net that says giving a bag of candy to a electronics technician when you drop your unit off to be repaired will make them look favorably upon you and finish the work faster.Redditors hav...

Good News Everyone - Definitely Not The Phrase That Pays

Good News Everyone by Aaron MoralesIf there's one thing you never want to hear Hubert Farnsworth utter it's this phrase- Good News Everyone! Hubert only busts this old gem out when he's done something super-sciency, or...

The 20 Greatest Business Comebacks Stories Of All Time

You may not have realized it, but some of the most familiar brands in the world have teetered on the brink of obsolescence, bankruptcy, and destruction. Often, survival meant restructuring, refocusing, or selling out to...

Two Days In The Life Of Andy Warhol

It was easy to get caught up in Andy Warhol's artsy persona and forget that he was still a pretty normal guy, who lived a fairly simple life and had few vices or fetishes despite public assumption.In fact, when you perus...

Cockatoo Lectures Cats

Mom always said it’s a good idea to learn a second language. This cockatoo did, and now he’s bossing around a clowder of cats. The kittens look a bit confused. He sounds like a cat, but he looks like food. Bu...

If Michael Bay Directed Star Wars Episode VII

Michael Bay seems mighty eager to reboot each and every one of our favorite geeky franchises, so it's only a matter of time before he blows up the Star Wars universe.But will the fans who are still recovering from the wo...

What's Up with Eyebrows

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!by Alice Shirrell Kaswell, Improbable Research staffHigh-Pitch...

Rainbow Challengers

Have you noticed in the last few years that you don’t see colorful cars much anymore? If you’re looking for your car in a parking lot, or you’re in heavy traffic, all the cars around you are gray or whi...

Mary Carillo Explains Olympic Badminton

During the broadcast of the Athens Olympics in 2004, Mary Carillo explains the difference between the equipment used in backyard badminton and the equipment used in the Olympics. At least that’s what this started o...

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