Archive for December 27th, 2015

Drawing Star Wars Characters with GPS Tracking

The Force is strong in this run. But how strong? The Force was so strong that it drove @g_ianni to join me on this run to crush all 15.5 miles without any proper training. THAT strong. Come and feel the Force of th...

The Best News Bloopers Of 2015

Evening news broadcasts are prone to bloopers and slip-ups, and I don't think I've ever seen one local news broadcast go off without at least a minor hitch.However, it's the end of the year, so we're looking for the bigg...

Before and After

I made a huge holiday feast for Christmas Eve, and then went to my mother’s house for another on Christmas Day. Meanwhile, I made four kinds of candy to give away as gifts (with leftovers) and received gifts of can...

In The Batmobile - The Bat And The Cat Are In Pursuit

In The Batmobile by Dr Simon ButlerIt felt like they were racing along the streets of Gotham at a million miles per hour, and yet time seemed to have stopped for the Bat and his kitty Cat back scratcher. They were in ho...

NASA Spacesuit Development

NASA has had many spacesuit designs, depending on what they need to do. First, it was to protect an astronaut from the unknown. Later, we knew what space was like, but we also started doing new things, like spacewalks an...

Choose Your Character

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all choose our own paths in life?We would be seen as serious spellcasting Warlocks or mighty head chopping Warriors simply because we chose that path from the very beginning, gaining (life...

GoPro’s Best Videos of 2015

GoPro cameras are small and extremely versatile. You can attach them to helmets, animals, selfie sticks, and drones, among other things. They also take high-quality video, so it’s no wonder we love to see the POV c...

The Force Awakens Cosplay

A new Star Wars movie with new characters means new cosplay! Redditor samartypants got ahead of this year’s cons by dressing as Rey for her family’s Boxing Day party. Now, Boxing Day isn’t norm...

Animated Data Visualization Of Fatalities In World War II

Historians are still analyzing World War II battlefield statistics seven decades later, and they're constantly making new and surprising discoveries about who and how many died when and where.But if you're not a historia...

Need a Breath Mint?

Toothpaste, mouthwash, gum, even dental floss all have something in common: the default flavor is mint. We don’t even say “lozenges” when we talk about the everyday remedy for bad beneath -we call them...

Cool Anime Inspired Cartoon Art Drawn On Paper Cups

Some people sit around restaurants gabbing and watching people walk by while eating their meal, but Japanese artist Shin Shinrashinge is busy doodling while he dines.Shin creates some truly magical motio...

15 Things You Should Do at Least Once a Year

There are certain tasks in life that you need to do every once in a while, but so seldom that it’s easy to forget. Or to just put it off indefinitely. While we are getting ready to turn another calendar year would...

What If Wookiees Sounded Like Pee-Wee Herman?

It's too bad George Lucas didn't hire our pal Pee-Wee Herman to voice the massive Wookiee warrior Chewbacca in the original Star Wars trilogy, because Pee-Wee would have totally nailed that role.You must be wond...

The Lunch Lady Sings

Last week, Souderton High School in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, had a fundraiser during lunch that featured teachers doing karaoke Christmas songs in the cafeteria. One of the participants was a lunch lady. Becky Al...

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