Archive for December 16th, 2015

A Bad Lip Reading of Star Wars

The Star Wars “week of frenzy” would not be complete without every video series trying their hand at the original trilogy. That includes the folks who bring us those hilarious Bad Lip reading videos....

Cormac McCarthy's Home Alone

(Image: 20th Century Fox)You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget. Did you forget the people who used to live in the house? The home where you are now alone? Remember as it was in Co...

Heavy Metal Cereal

Iron-fortified cereal is just that: manufacturers add the metal element to many cereals as a dietary supplement. I bet you thought that was a microscopic amount. Not quite. Food artist Henry Hargreaves decided to find ou...

Artist Uses Her Girlfriend's Back for Eye-Popping 3D Paintings

Natasha Farnsworth won't run out of canvas. She has her girlfriend's back handy, which offers a broad space to create startlingly realistic 3d images. The woman's back turns from flesh into a portal into other worlds. Yo...

It's A Bad Brains Christmas, Charlie Brown!

The iconic soundtracks to the Peanuts TV specials were recorded by the Vince Guaraldi trio from 1965-70, and although we all love that jazzy sound it has been around 50 years of the same songs, so maybe it's time to expl...

Fashion Trend: Tie-Dye Hair

(Photo: Horton Beauty)This looks so cool! Could I do it with a beard? Or my chest hair?DJ Victory is an elite hairstylist who can add amazingly colorful flairs to hair. One skill that she's developed is giving hair a tie...

Hilarious Ad Shows Why We Should Apologize To Our Cats After The Holidays

People love to torture cats for their own amusement, from the constant petting and brushing to the indignity of having to eat on the ground instead of the table and crapping in a box instead of outside like Dog intended....

This Chair Is Designed to Be as Uncomfortable as Possible to a Human Body

Does it look horrifying? It's supposed to. Jessica Ross, Cathrynn Healy, and Emily Wallace, who are students at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, call their piece Disposture.Ross came up with...

Google’s Year in Search 2015

This past year has sure been eventful! The US Supreme Court ruled on marriage equality, Syrian refugees streamed across Europe, everyone and his brother decided to run for president, and we couldn’t agree what colo...

Fire And Ice - Their Guns Don't Go Pew Pew Pew

Fire And Ice by Cory Freeman DesignAlone they don't do much damage, especially if their target is wearing an enviro-suit, but together they make their targets wonder whether they're being burned to death or frozen alive...

Reasons Why Star Wars Spaceships Make No Sense

TIE FighterPractically every movie we see requires the audience to suspend disbelief in one respect or another. In what they call "an exercise in overthinking a great sci-fi series," Popular Mechanics d...

Neighborhood Puts Decoy Packages on Doorsteps to Deter Thieves

(Photo: CBS News)It's a simple and common crime: a parcel delivery serivce leaves a package on the doorstep of a home for the resident. A thief drives by, jumps out of his car, grabs the package, and runs.That's how your...

Anti-Earthquake Bed

According to a translation of the YouTube description, this terrifying earthquake protection bed was developed by a 66-year-old Chinese inventor named Wang Wenxi. If an earthquake hits, the bed folds up and transforms in...

Forget the Gingerbread House. This is the Age of the Pizza House!

Carrie Dennis of Thrillist recalls a fond childhood memory of Christmas: every year, her mother would make an elaborate gingerbread house—a task that would take 3 full days. That was great, Dennis affirms, “B...

Ten Shocking Incidents Caught On Live Television

The good thing about live broadcasts is they bring us information in real time and connect us to the outside world through our TV.The bad thing about live TV broadcasts (at least according to the networks and the FCC) is...

Abandoned Old Church Turned into Beautiful Mural-Covered Skate Park

(Photo: Lucho Vidales)An architect named Manuel del Busto designed the majestic old church in 1912. It gracefully served the community for decades. But for many years afterward, the Church of Santa Barbara in Llanera, As...

Hop the Kangaroo and His Cat Friend

[]YouTube LinkThese two clips, uploaded by YouTube user P Ces, present playtime adventures between their pet kangaroo Hop and their cat. It looks like the two animals are well acquainted,...

No Spoilers

The reviews are in, and so far everyone thinks The Force Awakens is pretty good. In case you are trying to avoid any spoilers at all, here is a spoiler-free roundup of blurbs. However, if you go read an entire c...

Tell Me About John: Friends Remember John Candy

[]Vimeo LinkThis clip is sure to bring a smile to fans of the late, great John Candy. Using clips from interviews with Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Tom Hanks, Martin Short, John Hughes and others...

Your Money is Worthless Here

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.From coupons to Zimbabwean...

Vote 4 Kang - Total Annihilation Is Guaranteed

Vote 4 Kang by SergioDoeThe upcoming election has left many wondering what the future holds in store, and how they should place their votes to make the most impact. Well, it seems like many of the candidates are plannin...

Adorable: Mommy Frog Covered with Baby Frogs

(Photo: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists)This beautiful maternal scene suggests that little frogs are erupting out of a larger frog, like the chestbursters in Alien. Your warm fuzzies of the...

100 Years of Toys

The latest in Mode’s 100 Years series is a look at the hot toys for Christmas. While the oldest toys are indeed classic, they were all new and innovative at one time. Even though I was a child in the 1960s, I remem...

It’s Still Illegal to Wear a Suit of Armor inside the British Parliament

(Photo: David Ball)But that may change. A British government task force is looking through 44,000 pieces of legislation, some dating back to the 13th Century, to identify obsolete laws for Parliament to eliminate. A...

When Return of the Jedi Was Stolen at Gunpoint

My, how things have changed since 1983. That was the year Return of the Jedi hit theaters, and the year that Larry Dewayne Riddick, Jr. decided to make a fortune by stealing the film and selling it to bootlegger...

Light up Seesaws

(Photo: Ulysse Lemerise)Luminothérapie is an annual event at the Quartier des Spectacles in Montreal. It is a celebration of light at night. The firms Lateral Office, CS Design, and the EGP Group offer this contri...

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