Archive for May 12th, 2015

World's First Hello Kitty Chinese Restaurant

Businessman Man Kwong is launching a Hello Kitty restaurant in Hong Kong on June 1, 2015. According to Kwong, Hello Kitty is even more popular in Hong Kong than in Japan. Kwong had been negotiating with Sanrio since...

People Are Awesome: Kids Edition

We’ve seen quite a few videos from People Are Awesome, and they’re back with a new compilation, this time featuring children doing awesome things. Watch young boys and girls excelling at gymnastics, skateboar...

Medieval Reaction Images

When you and your mate are having beef and the only logical way to settle it is...— Medieval Reactions (@MedievalReacts) March 27, 2015 It’s Friday night and it’s time to h...

Obese YouTuber Addresses the Internet's Fat Hatred

[]YouTube LinkYouTuber boogie2988 is a man struggling with his obesity. In this video, he addresses the movement of fat acceptance and how, in his opinion, it has cr...

Police Ask That You Not Chase Bears through the Woods with a Hatchet

(Photo: Barb Ignatius)In rather blunt terms, the police of North Adams, Massachusetts ask that you not get drunk, then chase bears through the woods while waving a dull hatchet:**Chasing bears through the woods drunk wit...

The New Muppet Show

[] (YouTube link)Many of us fondly recall The Muppet Show, Jim Henson’s primetime comedy for adults that ran from 1976 to 1981. Those wacky characters are coming back this fall!...

German Names For Animals Literally Translated Into English

German seems like a difficult language to learn, but when you discover how easy it is to create names for things in German by simply stringing words together it doesn't seem so hard to learn after all.For instance, which...

America’s Oldest Working Nurse Turns 90

[] (YouTube link)Florence SeeSee Rigney celebrated her 90th birthday in the hospital last week. Oh, she’s in good health. In fact, she was working! Rigney is the oldest working registere...

Amazing Photo: A Tornado in a Rainbow

Basehunters is a storm chasing club. While tracking tornadoes near the town of Eads on Saturday, a few members spotted this lovely scene of a tornado crossing a rainbow.It’s completely real. The tornado chasers rec...

Office Party - The Coolest Kind Of Overtime

Office Party by tomburnsEmployees who are forced to spend their days trapped in cubicles, staring at screens and hitting their heads with phones, generally don't want to stick around for a party after work, but those wh...

We're Not The Only Ones Batty For Bats

(Video Link)As I've previously stated, we at Neatorama are big fan of bats and their adorable little fox faces. It's hard not to fall in love when you see them munching down snacks with those big emotional eyes and puffe...

Old PlayStation Turned into a Clock

The original PlayStation--Generation 1, not 4--debuted in 1994. If yours is no longer playable, then Twitter user @Rurue0111 has a great idea for what you can do with it: turn it into a clock. He removed...

Lawrence of Arabia and the Crash Helmet

T.E. Lawrence was a British archaeologist and war hero who became known as Lawrence of Arabia. But his life was cut short only two months after retiring from the military. Lawrence was riding his motorcycle in Dorset and...

Russia's Rather Unique Version Of The Navy Seals

Russia has always had a wild side, but the Putin era is puttin’ the “R U serious?!” in the former Russian Empire, and LOL worthy content keeps rolling out by the truckload.The latest raucous laughter-in...

Pot Hole Mosaics

Jim Bachor is a mosaic artist in Chicago. He works against the city's pothole problem by filling in and tiling over potholes, giving them a beautiful appearance that helps protect cars. Ugly voids in city pavement become...

Compelling Photos and Profiles of WWII Veterans, Survivors

Ichiro Sudai, Takayama, Japan “I was in a kamikaze squadron, but the war finished before I was deployed. Kamikaze pilots would have farewell parties to drink sake. By the end of the war, we did...

A Children's Book Adaptation Of Game Of Thrones- Goodnight Westeros

Few parents would let their young kids watch more than about five minutes of Game of Thrones, because the nudity, gore and terrifying thematic elements are strictly for mature audiences.But let's play devil's advocate- w...

How to Control Microdrones

What did you think when you first heard about food being delivered by drone? Pretty neat, huh? Then there’s all these aerial drone videos we enjoy, thanks to drones carrying cameras. That will certainly make filmma...

The Ultimate Star Wars Troll

(Video Link)"Mesa so popular" -Jar Jar BinksYes, that's right one intrepid editor took the initiative to correct the new Star Wars trailer so that every scene contains everyone's favorite character from the franchise -Ja...

Ig® Nobel Limericks: Multitudinous Authors, Jerk, and Intestinal Clog

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.Ig Nobel Achievements distilled into limerick formby Martin Eiger, Improbable Research Limerick LaureateThe Ig Nobel Prizes honor achie...

Red Panda, Standing By - The Cutest Dogfight Ever!

Red Panda, Standing By by Nathan DavisThere's no better pilot, or bigger rebel, than the red panda Jedi known as Skywalker. He's the furriest master of the Force this side of Endor, and when he pilots his X-Wing into th...

Post-Apocalyptic Snow White

The Queen's plot didn't get very far. Before the Huntsman could even explain that he wasn't going to hurt her, Snow White had slammed her knife straight into his chest. Then she went hunting herself. She picked up skills...

Olive Garden to Start Making Sandwiches with Breadstick Buns

Image: Olive GardenFans of Olive Garden's breadsticks will be happy to know that beginning June 1, 2015, the restaurant will start serving sandwiches made with the same garlic-buttery bread as their breadsticks....

All Your Favorite Shows!

[] (vimeo link)A middle school student is addicted to watching movies on his handheld device, but the forces around him (his mother, the school) keep interfering with his obsession. While strik...

Cow Issued Entrance Ticket for College Exam, Then Doesn't Show up

(Unrelated photo by Ryan)Abdul Rashid Bhat of the town of Budgam in northern India went to the trouble of registering his cow to take a college entrance exam. Passing the test would qualify the cow to enter the Governmen...

So That's What That Extra Shoelace Hole is For

Have you ever stopped to look at your running shoes and wondered what those extra shoelace holes are for? Well, the folks at Illumiseen, a company that sells LED safety accessories for active people, made *stro...

How to Peel an Avocado Like a Pro

[]YouTube LinkThis video made by the American Chemical Society illustrates the best method to peel an avocado in order to maximize its health benefits. The method is explained...

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