
(Image credit: Magne Klann og Lars Aurtande/NRK)

We’re not sure whether the new Norwegian TV series Piip-show is a drama, a comedy, or a soap opera. It’s real “reality TV” that takes place on a tiny miniature set modeled after a popular Oslo coffee shop called Java.

(Image credit: Andreas Grimsæth/NRK)

The set is littered with seeds, to attract the main cast: birds and squirrels. A Google translation of the show’s website gives us a rundown of some of the “regulars”:

The perky tits

The most stable regulars are tits. They are loud and talkative, and bursting with speed and energy. They are represented by several species, all with the perky personality of the joint. Blue Tit and Great Tit is both flashy appearance, with green back and yellow belly with black longitudinal stripe in the middle.

Tit is the largest of the two, and got its name because in the old days were often found hacking by fat, such as the Christmas ham that hung out to dry. The easiest way to distinguish great tit and blue tit facial expression:

A squirrel walks into a bar and all tits break loose

-via Nag on the Lake

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