Archive for September 13th, 2013

Three Pop Culture Icons in One Picture

Sir Patrick Stewart posted this picture of a recent outing. Who is the most excited to meet the other(s)? Link -via UproxxPatrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Elmo...

Skull Phoney

 Skull Phoney (sold individually)Are you head over heals for Halloween. Show of your holiday spirit with the Skull Phoney from the NeatoShop. This devilishly fun cell phone accessory is shaped like a skull and fits...

How to Hold Lil' Bub

(Video Link)Chances are that you, nor anyone you know, will ever get a chance to hold Lil' Bub. But just in case you get such a glorious opportunity, here is a video showing how to do it right.Via Cute Overload...

Typographical Looney Tunes Characters

Canadian artist Aaron Campbell recreated 12 classic Looney Tunes characters using just letters, numbers and punctuation. You can view them all at the link.I wish that I could use Daffy Duck, the Egyptian god of...

Now That's A Costume For A Dark Knight

Can't decide between dressing in your favorite superhero costume or like a knight? Then do both with this brilliant suit of armor by Etsy seller CreationsChristopher. Of course, you might need to be Bruce Wayne to actual...

Website Translation Options

Mr. Lovenstein explains why websites offer multiple translations in the same language.I'd find it handy if websites came in Texan English in addition to, you know, foreign English. But that service is rarely available.Li...

The Jewish Hunger Games: Kvetching Fire

[] (YouTube link)This is Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. It comes with a 25-hour fast, so here's a little levity to get you through, in the form of a Hunger Games mashup, from...

Challenge: How Many of These Obscure Collective Nouns Do You Know?

A pride of lion. A school of fish. A flock of seagulls (wait - that's actually a band). Why do groups of animals have specific names? You can blame 16th century English gentlemen who wanted to sound cooler by inven...

Why is Friday the 13th Considered Unlucky?

You've made it almost through Friday the 13th with nothing out of the ordinary happening so far -at least we hope so. But there is another one coming in December. Why is Friday the 13th so unlucky? Or rather, who do some...

Cup Sinks

These sinks by Meneghello Paolelli Associati are cute. Each one has the capacity of approximately one cup of coffee. Well, the ones in the bottom photo do.Link | Designer's Websitesinks, Meneghello Paolelli Associat...

The Dreary Side of Superhero Life

Life can't be full of nonstop action -can it? Even Supermen has some down time, and that time is filled with mundane things like hanging out with superhero friends or getting this driver's license renewed. Artist William...

Wedding Infographic Tells the Story of the Bride and Groom

Our pal Tal Siach of Walyou and recently got married (Mazel tov, Tal!), and since he's big on infographics, it's only natural that he's got one made for his wedding: A few weeks before my own w...

Pretending to be Normal Compact Mirror

 Pretending to be Normal Compact MirrorBeing normal is over-rated. Embrace the insanity of your life with the Pretending to be Normal Compact Mirror from the NeatoShop. This humorous little mirror features a delight...

This Leaf Sure Can Fly

That's because it's not a leaf at all, but an incredible camouflage display by the moth Uropyia meticulodina. What's truly amazing about this moth is that its wings aren't just the same color and pattern as a dr...

Bowtie Fighter

Bowtie Fighter by Daniel Sotomayor Pew pew pew! Spaghetti Wars has gotten a lot deadlier for Ravioli Alliance since the Lord of the Ziti has got new a new fleet of intergalactic spaceship. Daniel Sotomayor...


[](YouTube link)This ad from Thailand is for a mobile phone company, but that really doesn't factor into the story at all. Bring a hankie. -via Daily Picks and Flicks tearjerker, Thai ad...

Elvira: The Mistress of Tiki

Artist Derek Yaniger created this adorable tiki-style illustration featuring Elvira hanging out in a graveyard full of zombies. He only made 80 of these great prints that are even autographed by Elvira herself. You can b...

Insect Has Mechanical Gears in Its Legs

The common insect called the planthopper (Issus coeleoptratus) is a real-life steampunk bug. At the point where its back legs meet at the top, there are rows of small teeth that mesh together, ensuring that the...

Parkour Wedding

(Photo: Neoklis Martin)Think of it as a metaphor for the hurdles that a committed couple must overcome. Or think of it as a chance to have fun. Either way, this is an original theme for a wedding. Angelina and Bobby crea...

Simon's Cat in a Mirror

[] (YouTube link) Simon's Cat discovers a mirror. He reacts a bit more emotionally than most real cats you've seen. It's a rather short, but satisfying, episode in our favorite cartoon cat's li...

Buttery Wolverine Goodness

This butter sculpture spotted at The Canadian National Exhibition is absolutely amazing. What's even more impressive though is that it made its way to the bloggosphere via Hugh Jackman's Instagram.Link Via The Mary Suewo...

Flight 666 goes to HEL on Friday the 13th

Finnish and Danish airline passengers aren't particularly superstitious, or this flight would be empty. On the contrary, Finnair flight AY666 bound for Helsinki (code HEL) is almost full."It has been quite a joke among t...

The Brave Knight: A Gotham Fairy Tale

[](Video Link)Once upon a time, a monster kidnapped a little princess. All was lost until a brave knight stepped forward to rescue her.In this short film, Mauricio Abril tells a...

Keep Calm and Shop On Notepad

 Keep Calm and Shop On NotepadAre you at war with your to do list? Raise your morale and stay organized with the Keep Calm and Shop On Notepad from the NeatoShop. This great little pad includes 75 sheets for your li...

2013 Ig Nobel Prize-winning Research

The Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded each year to real scientists for real research that makes you laugh and then makes you think. There are plenty of head scratching-research projects that won last night. The categories shif...

Adult Movies and TV Shows Imagined As Cartoons

Mad Men, Game of Thrones and Alien look so much more adorably zany in cartoon form. Thanks to illustrator Justin White, we know just how fun these shows and movies could be if they were on...

The Perfect Crime: Apple's Inside Job

When an Apple programmer’s project got canceled, he didn’t despair. He just kept sneaking into the office until the program was finished.(Image credit: Joe Ravi)Ron Avitzur knew his projec...

Abandoned Dog Found on Google Street View, Rescued

No one was sure how long Sonya had been living on the streets of Los Angeles--possibly as long as 10 years. But when she appeared on Google Street View, Eldad Hagar of the charity Hope for Paws set out to rescue her...

Pictures of Segregated America

Buzzfeed has a gallery of 17 photographs taken between 1937 and 1943 illustrating how segregated the U.S. used to be. Blacks and whites had separate water fountains, restrooms, movie theaters, diners, overnight accommoda...

70s-Era House Includes an Enormous, Luxurious Bomb Shelter

(Photo: Christopher DeVargas)Look at the photo. What you're seeing is not the outside of the house, but the interior of the bomb shelter beneath it. Girard B. Henderson built it in Las Vegas in 1978 just in case he had t...


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