Archive for April 18th, 2013

Hoglet Surrenders!

Hoglets, or baby hedgehogs, are so cute that we, too, surrender! Pic via Amazing Things in the Worldhedgehog, hoglet...

A Human-Powered Dot Matrix Printer

Slow? Well, last month, I sent a print job to a networked color printer and it came out 6 days later. So maybe the Human Printer at the University of Derby isn't so bad. Its members make halftone photographic images, one...

Dove Real Beauty Sketches for Men

[] (YouTube link)Right on the heels of the latest Dove Real Beauty campaign, newfeelingstime has a parody in which men go through the same experiment. First they are sketched according to their...

Beautiful Knitted and Crocheted Vegetables

Japanese artist Itoamika Jung Jung's vegetables are so real that you might put them in your stew pot if you're not paying attention. Her works are simple reproductions of nature's own nutritional designs. You can view mo...

FedEx Invented the Tracking Number

The tracking number, that string of digits that tell you where your package is and when it's going to be delivered, is so ubiquitous today that you'd probably never believe that there was a ti...

Girl and Dog Salt & Pepper Shakers

Girl and Dog Salt & Pepper ShakersThe days are getting longer and summer is on the way. Are you looking for a quick way to add a little sunshine and happiness to you dreary kitchen table?  You need the Girl and...

A Cat Composes a Musical Score for a Soap Opera

[](Video Link)A friend of redditor PGERMS really likes the soap opera The Young and the Restless. But the music "is so bad, that her cat could have written it." PGERMS p...

Only the Good Die

A good quote is always a hit on Twitter, but even better if it has a twist. This Twaggie was illustrated by Charles C. Somerville from a Tweet by Brandon Gutermuth. See all the new illustrated Tweets at Twaggies. Link Tw...

Geeky Art of Derek Hunter

The Walking Dead Sketch Derek Hunter is a background designer on Adventure Time during the day and an awesome cartoonist who draw geeky sketches at night. Behold the geekery and weep:...


Has anyone ever told you  that you had a head full of corncobs? Artist Klaus Weber created an anatomical model with organs made of vegetables. A celery heart makes a heart, potatoes serve as the intestines, and I be...

Museum of Energy

If you love big industrial things, this post is for you. Our pal Mike and Juergen of 91 Days went to Istanbul, Turkey, and visited an old power plant that got converted into a museum...

Brain Sushi

Hannibal Lecter is getting on in years. A bit of fish will be good for his heart.-via It's Okay to Be Smart(Photo: unknown)sushi, brains...


Crystal M made this beautiful TARDIS ball gown out of 10 meters of satin, plus crinoline, netting, and 1500 rhinestones. See more pictures at imgur. She will wear the dress tomorrow to the Vancouver Fan Expo, then she ma...

Alice and Dorothy

UK artist Helen Green, who became quite famous on the Web for her Lady Gaga drawings, drew this one above of Dorothy and Alice that I quite like. What do you think they talk about over tea? Li...

Dog Kept Injured Man Warm for Four Days

Herbert Schutz spent four days trapped under his car after a crash on his property in Rylstone, NSW, Australia. The 76-year-old got out of the car after the accident, and the car rolled back onto him, pinning him underne...

The Gulf Stream in Infrared

Photo: NASA & NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory It looks like an abstract painting or layers of oil, but that's the Gulf Stream, the swift Atlantic ocean current that originates a...

TV Test Screen Glasses

TV Test Screen GlassesAre you ready to calibrate how you are viewed? Accessorize with the TV Test Screen Glasses from the NeatoShop. This fantastic pair of party glasses looks like the color bars TV test pattern. Be...

Boston Sings the Star-spangled Banner

(video link)Boston held its first major sports event since Monday's bombing as the Boston Bruins hockey team hosted the Buffalo Sabres last night. As he has for 35 years, Rene Rancourt began singing...

Amazing Sushi Art

The sister of redditor mala_cavilla works at Sushi Planet in Philadelphia. She's a wizard disguised as a chef. Can you eat her sushi before it eats you?More photos and reddit thread -via Nag on the Lakesushi...

What Is It? game 273

Hey look! It's time for our collaboration with the wonderful What Is It? Blog! Do you know what the objects in this picture are? Guess and win a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! But first, read the rules:Place your guess...

Scientists: Beer Makes Us Happy

According to researchers lead by Dr. David Kareken of Indiana University, beer releases dopamine--the neurotransmitter of pleasure--in the brain:In the study, researchers gave 49 male volunteers a tiny taste (half a...

Lina Medina: The 5-year-old Mother

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.Lina Medina was born on September 27, 1933, in the village of Ticrapo, Peru. A little over five...

Victorian Dress Lifter

Unless you were wearing a daring hemline, your skirts may get muddy while walking in the street. That's where this handy gadget came in. Ladies would use it and other "hem elevators" to lift their dresses up out of the w...

New Species of Forcepfly

Meet the forcepfly Austromerope brasiliensis, a newly discovered species (and only third known example in the family) that got its name from its hind claspers that look like a pair of...

Fried Piranha

I know that it's dead but...I'm still too scared to try to eat it. Thankfully, the staff at Rocket News 24 found someone with the courage necessary to try this Japanese dish:The piranha was fried with sauce but still cle...

Bread Tag Wedding Dress

Australian fashion designer Stephanie Watson made her own wedding dress out of bread tags. She called the dress Nadine. Watson collected 10,000 bread tags, which she wore when she married her high school sweetheart Will...

Chiropractic for Elephants

Photo: Rod Block That's one BIG spine to adjust! If you think that chiropractic is just for humans, you haven't met chiropractic veterinarians: Thirty years ago, Dr. Gene Giggl...

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