Archive for February 11th, 2013

Rock the Casbah by Shepard Fairey

We don't know if the Sharif don't like this, but we do! Shepard Fairey, he of the iconic OBEY and Obama "Hope" posters, created this extremely rare silkscreen print...

How to Make a Guitar Case Table

What can you do with a worn out guitar case? Instructables member knife141 bought one for $5 and turned it into a classy table. He mounted it on a fiberboard painted black. Then, to keep the top from caving in, he reinfo...

Amazing Ocean Facts

Nat Geo TV published a series of comics from Dr. Byron Beekle containing interesting facts about the ocean and the creatures that live in it. As the series progressed, the "facts" became more personal and the artist prog...

Toilet Paper Art by Sakir Gökçebag

In the talented hands of German-based Turkish artist Sakir Gökçebag, the humble rolls of toilet paper has a new role: that of a fantastic work of art. Behold his art series Trans-L...

Care Bear Lucky Green Laplander Hat

Care Bears Lucky Green Laplander Hat (front and back shown)St. Patrick's Day is coming. Are you looking for a fun way to get your green on? You need the Care Bear Lucky Green Laplander Hat from the NeatoShop. This knit h...

Classic Food Pairings Tied Together

Like RC Cola and MoonPies or pulque and haggis, some foods and drinks just belong together. Food photographer Kyle Dreier literally tied traditionally paired foods and drinks to each other. If you thought that it would b...

The Press Freedom Index 2013

The organization Reporters Without Borders has released their Freedom of the Press Index for 2013. Sadly, whether you can find out what's going on in the world depends on where you live. Many governments still control in...

The Elements of Typography

You might think that typography is a simple field, but Robert Bringhurst, the author of The Elements of Typographical Style, would disagree. Grant Snider of Incidental Comics has just read that book. He's s...

That's One Slooooooow Ride

Photographer Nordin Seruyan captured this amazing photo of a frog hitching a ride on a snail. Hope he's not going anywhere soon, that's one sweet but sloooooow ride! View it over at...

9 Very Specific Rules From Real Libraries

All libraries have rules: bring your books back by the due date, and keep your voice down because people are trying to read. But some libraries have extra rules that obviously have a story behind them. No chewing on the...

Brainwashing Machine

Michael Hacker's washing machine is set to permanent press and is ready for your cerebral cortex. Just put it in. No, there's no dryer. You'll have to hang it to dry.Most Neatorama readers will probably have to run two s...

Should Bookstores Charge You to Browse?

That's the suggestion of Victoria Barnsley OBE, the Chief Executive and Publisher of HarperCollins UK, in an interview on BBC Radio 4: Barnsley predicted that the level of digital e-b...

One Word A Day Journal

One Word A Day JournalHave you always wanted to keep a journal of your innermost thoughts and feelings, but just couldn't be bothered to find the time. You need the One Word A Day Journal from the NeatoShop. Why write en...

Halloween Valentines

Kipling West has a fine collection of vintage valentines that use monsters, skeletons, and other Halloween themes to profess love. Perfect for expressing your romantic side while still getting your goth on! Link -via Sev...

The Wooden World of Livio De Marchi

You name it and Livio De Marchi can build it out of wood. A table setting, a Ferrari-shaped boat, a living room set--he's a veritable mad scientist with wood. From his workshop in Venice, De Marchi duplicates the human m...

What Will You Invent?

[] (YouTube link)As if we didn't have enough holidays this week, today is Inventor's Day. Celebrated on different dates in different countries, the date of February 11th was selected in the U.S...

Baguette Tables

Baguettes--they're not just for eating anymore. And if they're a few days old, eating them is out of the question. Why not use the loaves as a construction material? That's what Studio Rygalik, a Polish art collective di...

LEGO Valentine Spaceship

Mark Anderson loves building LEGO spaceships, and any holiday is a good reason to build one around a theme. This sweetheart of a project is shaped like a heart and powered by two huge round red engines! The pilot  i...

Squids That Can Fly 100 Feet through the Air

Fishermen claim to have seen oceanic squids jump out of the water for long distances, but only recently have biologists confirmed these sightings. Jun Yamamoto of Hokkaido University led a research team that tracked a gr...

Bacon Dress

Just look at this bacon dress and weep. That's right, it's a dress made out of real bacon and it's the only attire that befits the Bacon Queen (Eat your heart out, Lady Gaga!) This ye...

Magic Hat Mug

Magic Hat MugAre you looking for the perfect gift for your favorite magician in the kitchen? You need the Magic Hat Mug from the NeatoShop. This mesmerizing ceramic coffee mug with lid looks like a rabbit popping out of...

Mr. Game Boy

The following article is republished from Uncle John's Ahh-Inspiring Bathroom ReaderYou've probably never heard of Gunpei Yokoi, but if you've ever played a Game Boy, a Color Game Boy, Donkey Kong, or just a...

Pope Benedict XVI to Resign--The First Papal Resignation in 598 Years

The gap b/w papal resignations is roughly equivalent to that b/w the Dec of Independence and when Picard became captain of the Enterprise.— Dan Lewis (@DanDotLewis) February 11, 2013 #Pope Benedict XVI isn't ret...

Street Art Lightsaber

OaKoAk, that brilliant French street artist, has a gift for what some people call "urban interventions." He can spot opportunities in ordinary settings and add small changes that give them radically new meanings. This li...

Penguin Intersection

[] (YouTube link)Penguins got highways! This crossroad sees a lot of traffic, most of it running smoothly. Don't get lost, little guys! Melissa Brennan shot this footage in Antarctica on her qu...

Tea Kettle Helmets and Other Eccentric Hats by Adeela Suleman

Adeela Suleman, an artist in Karachi, Pakistan, takes found objects and turns them into stylish hats for every occasion. Pots, cooking utensils, shower drains and other household objects accentuate the wearer's personali...

Nature's Great Survivors: Water Bears

This may look like an origami creation, but it's a tiny animal called a tardigrade or water bear. Water bears are natures great survivors, having been found alive at high elevations, deep in the ocean, dried up and rehyd...

Join Me and Together We Can Rock the Galaxy

Lord Vader is bringing his new band to Alderaan. It'll blow you away. Pixie Pie made this birthday cake for the bassist of Mátyás Attila Band and followed specific instructions to ensure that Vader is playi...

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