That's exactly it. We made those jokes about seeing our house from the ISS, and now that it's time to take the Christmas lights down, we've managed to remove about two strings a day. At this rate, they will all be down b...
A Tweet from Miah St. Cyr inspired this Twaggie, illustrated by Josh at Formal Sweatpants. It does make a nice little story, especially the part about assuming the reader is a good-natured soul. See all the new illustrat...
Beth Ann Magnuson engraves hollow eggs with lace patterns. The video of her at work is impressive: first she sketches a pattern with a pencil, then she cuts the egg with an electric engraving tool. It's amazing that she'...
The haka is the most frightening dance you'll ever see. And that's its purpose. It is a Maori war dance, and each violent movement is designed to intimidate the enemy.(Image credit: Flickr user Jad_23)Lined up i...