Archive for December 15th, 2012

J.R.R. Tolkien-Inspired Tattoos

The Eye of Sauron.It's a big week for Tolkien fans, and to celebrate the release of Peter Jackson's The Hobbit, Flavorwire has rounded up 20 excellent Tolkien-inspired tattoos. Everything from quotes to...

Vodka Saves Elephants' Lives during Harsh Russian Winter

Oh, vodka! Is there anything you can't do?Circus trainers claim two of their elephants were saved from the deadly Siberian cold by vodka.Emergency ministry spokesman Alexander Davydov said Friday that the elepha...

Grow A Superman

Grow A Superman Wish you had a super hero to save you from your day? Now you can with the Grow A Superman from the NeatoShop. Just add water and watch this handsome man of steel grow 6 times his original size. Big t...

Spider Web

[] (vimeo link)By taking a picture every four seconds, photographer Jean-Michel was able to contract a time-lapse sequence of a spider constructing a web. The video covers an hour and a half of...

Anatomical Kitchen Accessories

For her project entitled Sentient Kitchen, Christine Chin imagined a world that blends the biological and the technological:Sentient Kitchen takes inspiration from some of nature’s most ingenious engi...

The Fascinating Origins of 10 Christmas Traditions

Mistletoe, by Auntie P. on FlickrEver wonder why we give each other gifts at Christmas? Or what the deal is with wreaths, kissing under mistletoe, and stocking stuffers? And what's up with Boxing Day, Canada?&nb...

Search, Mad Men Style

If Google search had been available in the 1960s, it would require typing on a typewriter, using punch cards (if you were really state-of-the-art), and waiting for results to slowly type in. You can try out Goog...

How to Make Rudolph Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

The muzzle and neck are obvious. But how did Beth Klosterboer make the ears? By flattening Tootsie Rolls and cutting them with a leaf-shaped cookie cutter.I never did understand Ruldolph's decision. Santa had no flight o...

Rare Guinea Pig Hybrid Breeds

Behold the mighty guinea lion, a savage beast that kills with the power of cuteness.Adventurous animal lovers will discover many more examples of guinea pig-animal hybridization at the link below, but don't let their ado...

How to Light a Cigarette with a Hammer

[youtube 2Px5JhFToss](Video Link)This blacksmith doesn't need a lighter. Watch him heat a metal rod by hammering it, then lighting his cigarette with it.-via Yababoon cigarettes, blacksmithing...

How a Beautiful Widow Defeated a General and Inspired a Hanukkah Tradition

Detail of Judith. Christifano Allori, 1613You might call her the Face That Graced a Thousand Paintings, but one beautiful woman's bravery and wit saved her life, her city, and inspired a holiday tradition that s...

Legend of Zelda: Pot Smasher

[] (YouTube link)Freddie Wong isn't in the latest Freddie Wong video, but his effects are. Violinist Lindsey Stirling (previously) stars as Link, recreating the pot-smashing moves from the Lege...

Russian Architecture Inspired By Science Fiction

Russian architecture took some rather strange turns during the Cold War era, and the results are out of this world.Take a gander at these (mostly concrete) unusually shaped buildings, which were built with the power of i...

Chewbacca Star Wars Hooded Bathrobe

Chewbacca Star Wars Hooded Bathrobe (front and back shown)The holidays are here and we all know that traveling to galaxies far, far away can be exhausting. When it's time to relax slip into your favorite Chewbacca Star W...

26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year

Now here's a year-end list we can all get behind: stories of people being good to other people (and a few animals). You saw some of the stories here at Neatorama, but most likely some will be new to you. Be sure to have...

The Law of Cartoon Pants

Do you feel a need to wear pants while in public? Some people do, but not too many cartoon characters. Wolf Gnards analyzed the incidence of pants-wearing by cartoon characters and distilled the principles that animators...

Bilbo and Gollum in Lego

<!--gallery(1)-->Lego sculptor Iain Heath, known as Ochre Jelly, built Bilbo T. Baggins and Gollum B. Rodriguez from The Hobbit in Lego bricks! Link(Image credit: Flickr user Ochre Jelly)Previously: More f...

Portraits Of People Who Look Alike But Aren't Related

We come across people all the time who remind us of someone we know or look familiar to us in some way, and it turns out that's because a lot of people look alike whether they're related or not.This series of portraits b...

"How Strong Is a Hobbit?" -- A Physicist Looks at The Hobbit

Scientists see the world very differently than non-scientists do. While you and I may read or watch The Lord of the Rings and think of it as a compelling work of fantasy, Rhett Alain, a college physics inst...

This Week at Neatorama

We were all stunned by the horrible news of the school shooting in Newton, Connecticut, yesterday. Our hearts go out to all the grieving families and the survivors of that incident. As with other overwhelming news storie...

A Fond Look At Old School Zombie Comics

Zombie comics absolutely do not begin and end with The Walking Dead, and undead tales from the Golden and Silver age featured some truly amazing cover art and storylines that had to be more than just a bloody go...

In 1921, This Man Was Judged as the World's Greatest Kisser

But only because I had not yet been born. According to the 19 September 1921 issue of the Minneapolis Tribune, a prestigious panel of experts judged French actor André Brulé the greatest kisse...

Kitten Riding a Tortoise

[] (YouTube link)He has a killer ride -for a kitten! But you know he's thinking of that Roomba he asked Santa to bring him for Christmas. -via Everlasting Blort kitten, tortoise, turtl...

Vulcan Earrings

If Nature didn't give you lovely pointed ears, accentuate what you have with these earrings that will accelerate any Vulcan male's seven year itch. Raja Gondkar, a designer in Mumbai, won a fashion award for these bridal...

7,000-year-old Cheese

The question of when -and how- humans first started making cheese has confounded archaeologists. Cheese-making was a big step for civilization, as it allowed lactose-intolerant adults to consume a dairy product, and it w...

Amazing Basketball Player Has Only One Hand

[youtube R0kEyJ-tToo](Video Link)16-year old Zach Hodskins of Milton High School in northeastern Georgia was born with only one hand. But he's so good that have to watch carefully to even notice.-via Daily of the Da...

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