Archive for November 11th, 2012

Super Tiny Giraffe

[] When Shaahin Amini analyzed nickel, aluminum and carbon mix using scanning electron microscopy, the UC Riverside graduate student was surprised to see a tiny giraf...

Old Card Catalog Cabinets Now Used for Sharing Gifts

A few months ago, a teenager approached the reference desk and asked me where the card catalog was. I was shocked and impressed. Oh, I've been asked that question before. But never by someone so young!Over the past t...

How to Draw a Dotted Line

[] Think you can draw dotted lines? See if you can do it the way Professor Walter Lewins of Massachusetts Institute of Technology does it!dotted line, Water Lewins...

The Fairy Circles of Namibia

Some grasslands in Namibia are spotted with mysterious lifeless circles that appear, then disappear after a few decades. What are "fairy circles" and why do they form?Writing in the journal PLoS One,Walter R. Tschin...

The Smiths as Penguin Classics Book Cover

Chris Thornley of Raid71 took select lyrics from The Smiths and used them as inspiration for imagined Penguin Classic book covers. Love them? Please, please, please let you get what you...

These Two Are Looking to Get Revenge on the Burger King

Too long has the smiling king been a shining beacon of hope to the people. These two are here to knock him down. Fortunately, they still haven't required Poison Wendy to join their team or the Dark King would certainly b...

Vincent's Daydreams

Photo: Adele Enersen Adele Enersen of Mila's Daydreams is back at it! This time, she snapped pictures of her baby Vincent with her iPhone and sketched out his imaginary activities. Wh...

Fluttershy Bird Choir Music Box Automaton

[youtube IVxhK3Hvhig](Video Link)Yeeehaw! Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic premiered last night! I haven't seen it yet. Have you? Is it as awesome as we've been told?In the meantime, enj...

Naughty Nice Socks

Naughty Nice Socks - $9.95Santa's watching. Have you been naughty or nice this year? Go ahead and admit to being a little bit of both with the Naughty Nice socks from the NeatoShop. This festive pair of socks is a great...

White Dragon Cake

People love cake. It is a fact. They love making it into great things, they love blogging about it, and they love eating it. To everything above, me too. Anyone else think this looks a bit like Smaug?...

The Penn State Squirrel Whisperer

Mary Krupa is a freshman at Penn State who loves animals. She's made friends with the squirrels on campus. And what's more, she's even convinced the little critters to model the hats she makes for them!Anyway, as soon as...

DIY Camera Made Out of Cardboard, LEGO and Duct Tape

Dominique Vankan wanted to replicate the Autochrome Lumière color photography process developed by the Lumière Brothers back in 1907, which uses dyed grains of potato s...

Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, Man Gets Ticketed for Two DUIs at the Same Time

At 1:08 AM last Sunday, a man in Urbana, Ohio was cited for drunk driving. Then, precisely one hour later at 1:08 AM, he was cited for the same offense:Exactly one hour later, while on patrol in the municipal parking lot...

Hey Boba Fett, You're Looking Good

Ladies, does your man have an odd thing for Boba Fett? Then spice things up for him with a little sexy cosplay a la this amazing corset by Etsy seller damselinthisdress. Just try not to freeze his heart in carbonite.Link...

On Remembrance Day

The guns fell silent 94 years ago today. The long nightmare that was the First World War was over. Artist Rachel Holding marked the occasion by making this wreath out of toy soldiers and a single plastic poppy.Link -via...

A Brief History of Movie Villains' Terrible Hair

If you caught Skyfall this weekend (or if you've seen any previews), then you already know that this list begins with Javier Bardem and his bizarro platinum coif (and eyebrows!) as the latest Bond villain, ...

The Snowman's Journey

[] (YouTube link)The new John Lewis ad illustrates what some will go through to show their love. If you can put the fact that it's a department store advertisement out of your mind for a minute...

God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut

Did you know today would have been Kurt Vonnegut’s 90th birthday? In memory of one of the greatest writers of the last century, here is a look back at the author’s incredible life.His Career Choice Was A Bit...

Fifty Shades of Chicken

I can say wholeheartedly that I have no intention of reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Fifty Shades of Chicken though, that is something I can get into. The book is both a parody and a real cookbook....

Deep Tea Diver Tea Infuser

Deep Tea Diver Tea Infuser - $14.95Do you know someone who has the heart of a true adventurer? Encourage them to explore new great loose leaf teas with the Deep Tea Diver from the NeatoShop. This delightful tea infuser,...

Body Crash: This Car Wreck Is Made of People

The South Australian Motor Accident Commission has a message to send to people who disregard the speed limit: vehicle accidents cost lives. To get this point accross, MAC brought in Emma Hack, the artist responsible for...

Orchestra of Old Computer Parts Plays Dylan's "The Times, They Are A-Changin'."

[vimeo 52866292](Video Link)These old fax machines, hard drives, printers and modems understand: the times, they are a-changin'. For a Brother commercial, Chris Cairns and his colleagues made them sing the old Bob D...

Bizarre Prototype Chain Handgun

I'm having trouble finding any information about this fascinating handgun other than that an original Russian caption translated as "7.62mm Pistol prototype. Power tape. Capacity of the tape 36 s...

Useless Websites

Wanna go to a useless website? How about dozens of them? Just click "please" at the linked index and you'll see a really useless website. There are plenty that might come up, from flash animations that entertain for abou...

A Zoologist's Amazing Origami Animals

For wildlife zoologist Bernie Peyton, animal life inspires not only scientific curiosity but artistic creativity. For decades, he has folded paper to raise awareness about wildlife conservation:"I write a lot of boring [...

A Little Old Fashion Rote Memorization is Good After All

When she was forced to teach her students Latin and Greek word roots, high school English teacher Suzanne Kail thought that such "drill and kill" method would backfire. (Progressiv...

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