Archive for October 11th, 2012

"Any Fool Can Make Something More Complex. But It Takes Real Genius To Make Something Simple Again."

[youtube GLpNNf4V5lU](Video Link) George Lailey was the last traditional bowl turner in Britain. He died in 1958, taking his craft with him. Later, Robin Wood decided to revive the craft. It proved to be a chal...

Gangnam Style Tattoo

You knew it was coming. And here it is: the tattoo of Psy of Gangnam Style fame by music lover and tattoo artist Jefferson Bernardo Correa AKA Jeffinho Tattow. Most excellent!...

Costuming Ideas for Droids

Artoo and Threepio need help selecting costumes for Halloween. How should they dress? As Mario and Luigi? The Ice King and Gunter? Ash and Pikachu? Andrea Gerstmann has a few suggestions.Link -via Ian BrooksAndrea Gerstm...

Picnic Ant

Picnic Ant - $51.95Halloween is right around the corner. Are you still searching for a deliciously sweet costume for your little love bug? You need the Picnic Ant outfit from the NeatoShop. This enchanting costume includ...

It's a Pun

This is the one from the list that made me laugh when I saw it. Sure, it's an outdated stereotype but they had to overdo it to make sure everyone gets the pun. See more that are almost as good at Buzzfeed. Linkvisual pun...

When Naming Your First Pet ...

Thinking of getting your kid a pet? Dan Piraro of Bizarro Comics explains the rules of naming your first pet in today's modern name, security question, Bizarro...

Tooth-Soled Shoes

The Apex Predator Shoes by Fitch & Young are for people "residing at the top of their food chain." They're classy Savile Row Oxford shoes soled with 1,050 teeth taken from dentures, presumably as morbid trophies.&nbs...

The World's Fastest Stroller Has a 10 HP Engine

[youtube SgZCk7tMOYc](Video Link)You may remember Colin Furze's modified mobility scooter--the one he took to 69 MPH. He's back with a project that any dad could appreciate: a motorized stroller. This Sunday, he's g...

The World's Littlest Skyscraper

Image: Solomon Chaim/Wikimedia The world's smallest skyscraper is a four-story Newby-McMahon Building in downtown Wichita Falls, Texas. It's only 40 feet (12 m) tall. So, why i...

Ladybug Day

[] (YouTube link)Teacher and numbers geek Ron Gordon tells me today is Ladybug Day! Gordon finds fun patterns in dates, and today is 10-11-12 (as we write it in the U.S.). The name was inspired...

Rothko in Rice

Mark Rothko's defaced painting inspired photography Henry Hargreaves (previously on Neatorama) to recreate the artist's famous artwork. Hargreaves told us that after hearing t...

Cthulhu Jack-O'-Lantern

When the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island, say that it's hosting a Jack-O'-Lantern Spectacular, they're not kidding. These carved pumpkins sure are spectacular! My favorite...

Chest Burster Roast & Other Gross Halloween Foods

Nothing like a little edible flesh worm or a bloody brain shot to whet your appetite. These Halloween foods might be scarier than they are delicious looking, but they're a perfect choice for a Halloween dinner party.Link...

Couple Photography Tips for Forever Aloners

Tired of seeing photos of your friends making out with their boyfriends or girlfriends on Facebook? Just because you're forever alone, it doesn't mean that you can't get in on the fun....

Zombie Toilet Seat Cling

Zombie Toilet Seat Cling - $5.95Halloween is coming! Are you planning an outrageous Halloween bash? Make sure your potty is a hit with the Zombie Toilet Cling from the NeatoShop. This great decal makes it looks like a zo...

MacGyver Robot

Humans do it, chimps do it, elephants do it, heck even crows do it. Use tools, I mean. And now, thanks to Mike Stilman at the Georgia Institute of Technology, robots may soon use tools as well...

Oldest Arthropod Brain is Surprisingly Complex

Photo: Xiaoya Ma My, what large fossilized brain you've got! Nicholas Strausfeld of the University of Arizona and colleagues were studying fossils from China's Yunnan province when th...

Turtle Pees Through Its Mouth

Image: Monika Korzeniec/Wikimedia Everything pees, even the weird-looking Chinese soft-shelled turtle. But not everything pees through its mouth, unlike the aforementioned creature:...

Dusty Spiral Around a Dying Red Giant

Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) in norther Chile spied something strange around the dying red giant star R Sculptoris: a spiral structure thought to b...

What if the Presidential Election is a Tie?

[] (YouTube link)C.G.P. Grey explains the system in place for breaking an electoral college tie. It's convoluted, of course, and may possibly return a result contrary to the wishes of the peopl...

The Timeline Of An Unpaid Internship

Have you ever endured an unpaid internship? The last time I considered relocating, all the job listings in my field were unpaid internships, which was disheartening as I have kids to support. Buzzfeed posted a picture es...

A Piggy Bank for Your Innermost Thoughts

A combination fortune cookie and piggy bank, the corezone is a place to store your feelings until you need to open them. Dorota Skalska and Agnieszka Mazur made it in "an attempt to fulfill emotional needs by the me...

Caring for Pandas Dressed as Pandas

[] (YouTube link)China's panda research program includes a plan for releasing pandas into the wild. Tao Tao is the first panda born in captivity to be released. The cub has been housed at a sem...

5 Really Strange Ways to Cure a Hangover

The following is an excerpt from 50 Ways to Cure a Hangover Got a hangover? Here's a brief sample of some of the strangest ways to cure a hangover: 19. Build up a Sweat*...


Redditor skeletonpirate brought back photographic evidence of the ice planet Hoth, where Luke Skywalker came close to meeting his end at the "hands" of a wampa. LinkStar Wars, Luke Skywalker, hoth, wampa, freezer...

Totoro Phone Stand

Totoro Phone Stand - $14.95Attention Totoro fans! Behold the super adorable Totoro Phone Stand from the NeatoShop. This captivating plush Totoro features a fabric-lined cavity for your smartphone. Totoro is holding a see...

Bulldog Loves His Baby Boars

(Video Link)What do you do when you're left with abandoned wild baby boars? You ask your adorable little French bulldog to lend a hand to help socialize and care for them.Via I Can Has Cheezburgerdogs, videos, boars, ado...

What Is It? game 246

Here it is, our collaboration with the always amusing What Is It? Blog! Tell us what this object is, if you know. If you don't, make a wild guess!Place your guess in the comment section below. O...

Gender Swapped Game of Thrones

If cosplaying Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo in their gender swapped forms works this well, then I can't help but want to see everyone else on the show gender swapped as well. And if they do that, then I'd love to see...

Members of the Mustache Hall of Fame

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.Let's take a look at some of the most famous mustaches in history …and their owners.*str...


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