Archive for October 5th, 2012

Bull Testicle Beer Is a Thing Now. Yay?

[]It began as an April Fools prank, but someone (somewhere, maybe) will be happy to know that Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout is now a real thing. According to representatives from Wynkoop Bre...

Flower Garden Microfiber Duster

Flower Garden Microfiber Duster - $9.95 (front and back shown)Do you need help pruning back your list of household chores? Get the Flower Garden Microfiber Duster from the NeatoShop. This beautiful cleaning supply is per...

How to Steal a Space Shuttle in 7 Easy Steps

Jason Torchinsky realized that although it would be difficult to steal the space shuttle Endeavour from Los Angeles, it was not, technically speaking impossible. The heist will just require some creativ...

Uh-oh: Starbucks Reports Pumpkin Latte Shortage

You may want to sit down, guys: it's pumpkin season in Starbucks land, but some stores are reportedly overwhelmed with demand and have run out of pumpkin spice syrup before the next shipment arrives. Starbucks says...

Animations from MRI Scans of Vegetables

Andy Ellison's freaky cool animated .gifs are essentially compiled cross sections of vegetables. He works at Boston University and has access to an MRI machine, which equips him do cool stuff like this.Link -via Colossal...

Dog Tracked Owner 2 Miles to Hospital

When John Dolan was hospitalized, his dog Zander missed him so much that it decided to track him down to a hospital 2 miles away: Zander, seemingly decided he had to be by his owner's...

What Kids Know About the 2012 Election

[]The polls are in and the consensus says SpongeBob SquarePants will likely win the under-10 vote. Sorry, "Other Guy" and "Broccoli Almond." The best part is Wonder Woman's healthy endorsement...

Baffy the Bomb Dog

Is this the coolest-looking dog ever or what? Baffy is a bomb-sniffing dog, posted to reddit by his fellow soldier guynamedgriffin. He tells us Baffy came to him already named, so he doesn't know the reason behind it, an...

Order in the Voice of Sean Connery and Get 10% Off

Perhaps the order taker suffers from a certain rare form of phonagnosia, or they're secretly taping the customers make fools out of themselves, but we're chuckling at this sign at a Los...

Extraordinary Wooly Mammoth Discovered by 11-Year-Old Was Likely Killed by Humans

The 30,000-year-old body of a wooly mammoth recently uncovered by Jenya, an 11-year-old Russian boy, is the most well-preserved remains of the species discovered in at least 100 years. The mammoth had died at the te...

The Growth Table

The ingenious Growth Table by Tim Durfee and Iris Anna Regn gently scales up as a child grows. Start as a preschooler and move up to the tweens. It comes up with build-in nooks and crannies for art supplies.Link -via Inh...

Texting While Parenting

If you think that texting while driving is bad, here's a new danger for you: texting while parenting. Ben Worthen of The Wall Street Journal explains the perils of texting while you're suppose...

Frankenweenie Laplander Hat

Frankenweenie Laplander Hat - $15.95Are you looking to add a little life to your dead wardrobe? Increase the spark in your style with the Frankenweenie Laplander Hat from the NeatoShop. This adorable hat features Sparky...

Office Spaces That'll Make You Want to Come in on Saturday

Minecraft fans probably already heard about Mojang's fancy new digs (above), complete with leather-wrapped goodness and a Minecraft-style conference room. Just look at Notch, all suave under the moody light.Cool as it is...

Billionaire Buccaneer Seized Argentinian Navy's Flagship Over Unpaid Debt

What do you do when a sovereign nation refuses to pay its debt to you? Most people wouldn't, couldn't do anything ... but not billionaire Paul Singer. He decided to play pirate:...

10 Landmark Moments in Animation History

1. 1914: A Prehistoric Dinosaur Leads the Wave of the Future[] (YouTube link)In the early 20th century, theaters were already showing animated films on the big screen, but the...

New Acorn Worm Species Named After Yoda

In an ocean floor far, far away, scientists have discovered a new species of acorn worm with distinct lips on the side of its head which reminded them of a certain Star Wars character. So name...

13 Little-Known Punctuation Marks We Should Be Using

Punctuation adds a lot of clarity and meaning to our writing. Can we add more? There are quite a few lesser-known punctuation marks we should be using to dress up our essays, correspondence, blog posts, and texts with. S...

The Vest that Hugs You Every Time You Get a Facebook "Like"

If collecting digital assurances that people enjoy your online company isn't validating enough for you, you're in luck. Researchers at the MIT Media Lab have created a vest that hugs you every time a friend "likes"...

The Rescue of Watson

[] (YouTube link)Watson is a three-legged stray that was picked up by Eldad Hagar of Hope for Paws. My dog had a leg amputated this past summer, and as much veterinary care and family support a...

Scottish Village Gets a “Sister City” -on Mars

Many cities and towns around the world have a link to another city or town far away, for friendship and cultural exchanges. The village of Glenelg, on the western coast of Scotland, has announced it will “twin&rdqu...

Scrooge McDuck Died in 1967 (and Other Animated Duck Facts)

45 years ago, Scrooge McDuck passed away at the age of 100. "But what about Duck Tales?" you ask. Well, so did Robyn Penacchia at Death+Taxes, who also had a few other questions:To this day, I am still...

Parkour in Egypt

[] (YouTube link)This Polish free runner traveled to Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt to jump around on the buildings. -via Breakfast Linksparkour, free runner, Egypt...

Superman Onesie

Superman Onesie - $35.95Look up at the calendar! It's Halloween time. NeatoShop is here to save the day!Are you looking for the perfect costume for your super baby? You need the Superman Onesie from the NeatoShop. This g...

It Was 50 Years Ago Today

On October 5, 1962, a 45rpm single was released called "Love Me Do," with "P.S. I Love You" on the B-side. It was the very first Beatles single, and it peaked at #17 on the British pop charts. The song went to #1 in the...

The Sunflower Star

[] (YouTube link)The Sunflower Star is a starfish with up to 26 arms -and it can grow up to a meter wide! Those little waving "feet"? It can have up to 15,000 of those, which they use to draw i...

That's a Big Crowd

PSY staged a free concert in the streets of Seoul Thursday night, near the City Hall complex. Officials estimate the crowd at about 80,000 people, although from the looks of it, there could easily have been a lot more. Y...

These Nails Are Puuurrrrrfect

I know you ladies think these nails are way too perfect to actually paint yourself -and you're right, they're nail decails. But with this great tutorial, you too can wear your love of kittens on your sleeve hands.Link Vi...

Finger Food

In this case, the fingers are food -these are really hot dogs! This spooky bento box is perfect for putting hungry people in the mood for Halloween. But it's only one of a collection of neat Halloween bento crea...

Feed My Frankenweenie

Just in time for Halloween, Frankenweenie is hitting theaters today, giving viewers a chance to enjoy all the campiness of black-and-white classic horror films while still offering them something delightfully ne...


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