Archive for July 15th, 2012

What A Pushy Date

(Video Link) Don't you just hate that feeling ladies? I mean you're just trying to get to know him and he keeps trying to push in for a kiss. Well, at least he's handsome. Via Cute OverloadCute, birds, videos, anim...

9 Real Life Nyan Cats

Who doesn't like Nyan Cat? These little ones are certainly fans, after all, they are trying their best to cosplay as the legendary kitty icon and the results are priceless. Linkcats, Cute, videos, nyan cat, real l...

A Tumblr Blog Devoted Entirely to Gruesome Deaths in Choose Your Own Adventure Novels

Your decision to ditch your friends on the middle school field trip to the Pearl Brewery has ended badly. How badly? You can read the many ways in which you have failed at You Chose Wrong, a blog filled with terrible...

Coffee Ad from 1652

This new "coffee" substance sold by that Sicilian fellow, Pasqua Rosée, sounds like just the right drink for me! It tastes good and it's a veritable miracle drug according to this handbill owned by the British Museu...

He's a Dancing Machine!

(YouTube link) A NAO robot recreates Judson Laippley’s legendary video The Evolution of Dance. Not bad ...for a robot. -via The Daily Whatdance, robot, Evolution of Dance...

S'More Ice Cream Sandwiches

Get in my belly! All of the major components in Bright-Eyed Baker's amazing concoction are homemade: the marshmallows, the graham crackers and even the ice cream. She dipped the graham crackers in chocolate and mi...

Squid Chromatophores

(YouTube link) What you see here is a microscopic view of a squid's surface, showing the action of its chromatophores. Chromatophores are pigment-rich, light-reflecting cells found in amphibians, fish, reptiles and c...

Wild Snow Leopard Mother and Cubs

There are only a few thousand snow leopards left in the wild, and they are extremely reclusive, living in the mountains and hunting only at dawn and dusk. Now, for the first time time, we have video footage of a snow leo...

Casket Coffee Table

I want this table. I'll keep it in my living room. When my daughters start dating, I'll use it to terrify their boyfriends. Casket Furniture, a company that produces caskets and casket-inspired household furniture...

Breaking Bad Fingernails

Nail artist Kayleigh O'Connor only began watching Breaking Bad lately, but caught up fast. Then she was inspired to decorate her fingernails appropriately for the season premiere tonight, some with the show's e...

Trash Can Handbag

Valerie S. Mann, an artist from Michigan, gives new purpose to discarded objects. Among other projects, she takes old cotton bags and turns them into eye-catching wedding dresses. This handbag, I would guess, started...

Star Trek Transporter Sound Effect Mug

Star Trek Transporter Sound Effect Mug - $27.95 Are you a Trekkie who thinks life should come complete with cool sound effects? You need the Star Trek Transporter Sound Effect Mug from the NeatoShop. This 12 oz. ceram...

Bialowieza Forest

Before humans arrived in Europe, the continent was covered in forest. The largest remaining part of that original woodland is Bialowieza Forest, which spans the borders of Poland and Belarus. At least it does now. T...

Reading Shakespeare Enhances Your Ability to Think

Do you ever feel mentally sharper after reading high literature? Philip Davis, an English professor at the University of Liverpool, does--particularly after reading works by William Shakespeare. The way that the Bard...

When Do You Take Off the Wedding Ring?

In the wake of the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes breakup, the BBC asked when is the proper time to take off a wedding ring after a divorce. Readers were glad to tell the stories of what they did with their rings, which vary wi...

The Cast of Star Wars Sings "Call Me Maybe"

(Video Link) James Covenant clipped lines from all six Star Wars movies so that the characters sing Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." I gotta tell you, I had no idea Jabba the Hutt had such a good singing...

How Your Chicken Dinner Is Creating a Drug-Resistant Superbug

If you've ever suffered from a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), you know how painful and unpleasant it can be. But if antibiotics weren't able to cure it, the infection could spread to one's kidneys and the rest of the bod...

Sports Park 60

Look -it's a whole inflatable water park! If you live on a lake or have a really big pond, you can blow up and fit this whole thing together for as many as 60 kids. I'm afraid to even ask how much it costs, as the pr...

Milo's Mirror

(YouTube link) Milo is ready to whip that other kitten in the mirror! See those big kitten feet? Milo is a polydactyl cat -maybe he'll grow into them someday. -via Buzzfeed mirror, Cat, kitten, polydactyl, Hemingway c...

The Universe is on Twitter

A novelty Twitter account should take the persona of someone that people talk about. Even better, some thing that people talk about, and that they don't expect to get an answer from. People do talk...

French Cows Drink Wine

Studies show that happy animals provide better-tasting meat. Taking a cue from that idea, Languedoc-Roussillon winemaker Jean-Charles Tastavy and cattle farmer Claude Chaballier decided to experiment by giving beef cattl...

Awesome Pencil Drawings By Paul Lung

I can't believe the detail and accuracy found in these pencil drawings by Paul Lung, and I imagine that a cat would choose that exact same bow tie if given a choice. Paul Lung clearly breathes the airs of artistry...

Wonder Woman Mix & Match Stationary

Wonder Woman Mix & Match Stationery - $8.95 Are you masterful and wise communicator looking to lasso the power of letter writing and the hand written thank you note? You need the Wonder Woman Mix & Match Stati...

A Film Festival For Cat Videos

Everyone knows that cat videos rule teh interwebs, with their silly box jumping tactics and love of cheezburgers, so it was only a matter of time before someone gave them their own film festival. Minneapolis' Walk...

That Sure Is One Lazy Polar Bear

(Video Link) He looks like he's thinking about calling room service so he can enjoy breakfast in bed. After all, the whole hunting for your own meal is just so tiring. Via Pet's Ladyvideos, animals, polar bears...

Y: The Last Man Fan Film

(YouTube Link) This incredibly well made fan film is based on the Vertigo comic book Y The Last Man, which centers around an apocalyptic setting where everyone on Earth with a Y chromosome is wiped out, excep...

The Batmobile Golf Cart

Have you always wanted to play golf, but hate the idea of being stuck in one of those stupid little white carts? Well then, maybe you should hit the course in this awesome Batcart! Link Via The Mary Suebatmobile,...

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