Archive for May 16th, 2012

This Octopus Needed a New Home

(Video Link) You probably already knew that octopuses are smart and are known to use tools, but did you know that they also enjoy mobile homes in the form of tin cans? Just lugging this thing around seems beyond tirin...

Stone Tree

Eric Landman designed and built this beautiful dry stone wall in a conservation area in Orangeville, Ontario. It is a memorial to his late wife Kerry Landman. Link -via Colossalsculptures...

So That's Where Orcs Come From

The Lord of the Rings may quickly discuss how orcs were created, but somehow this makes much more sense. Take one pudgy-faced cat, squish it's head good and bam! You've got an orc. LinkFunny, cats, videos, animals...

A Different Kind Of NYC Subway Art

(YouTube Link) Artist Ming Liang Lu has a rather unique way of creating portraits for customers that visit him in various subway platforms and tunnels throughout New York City-he cuts up small sheets of paper to look...

Mustache Letter Opener

Mustache Letter Opener - $9.95 Does your letter opening lack a certain panache? Add the flair back into your mundane bill paying with the dangerously sophisticated Mustache Letter Opener from the NeatoShop. This fanta...

Tarzan & Rain

(vimeo link) You might think that Adele has little in common with '80s one-hit-wonder Baltimora, but their songs "Set Fire to the Rain" and "Tarzan Boy" mix surprisingly well. How do people come up with these odd comb...

Space Shuttle Food Truck

The food at the Space Shuttle Cafe isn't out of this world, but it is in low Earth orbit. It was born in 1944 as a Douglas DC-3 airliner, then converted into a street legal vehicle in 1976. Now it's like a space shut...

Minifig Babies

When you have both male and female LEGO minifigs, you are bound to see babies sooner or later. These custom minifigs are from Citizen Brick. Link -via Laughing Squid (Image source: The Brothers Brick)Lego, babies,...

Adorable Animated Short - Crayon Dragon

(YouTube Link) This imaginative and visually appealing animated short is by Toniko Pantoja, who is a second year student at CalArts with a promising career in animation ahead of him! Dragons are always portrayed as...

Fish to Sushi Amigurumi

With just a push, Irene Kiss's clever crocheted fish toy turns into a sushi roll. Best of all, there's no cooking required. You can find larger images at the link. Link and Crochet Pattern -via Craftcrocheting, su...

Banana Tattooing

It all begins with one dot, made with a pushpin. The hole, which exposes the interior to the air, rots and turns brown. Phil Hansen keeps pricking the skin until he creates complete image. At the link, watch a time-l...

Caterpillar Camouflages as a Flower

Photo: Hopefoote/Flickr Which is the flower and which is the caterpillar? The camouflaged looper inchworm is a genius at camouflage (hence the name, I suppose) - it glues bits...

Sylvester Stallone Spotted in 16th Century Painting

At some point in the (relative) past or future, Sylvester Stallone traveled back in time to Sixteenth Century Italy. Raphael painted him peering over the shoulder of Pope Gregory IX. Stallone has offered no comment a...

What's Inside SPAM with Bacon

It's a match made in chemical heaven ... the combination of two of the most delicious substances in the Universe. Behold, SPAM With Bacon! Patrick Di Justo of Wired Science explains wha...

Totally Neat Animatronic Terminator Bust

This animatronic Terminator head looks like it came straight from Judgment Day, complete with red glowing eyes and teeth modeled after Schwarzenegger's own mighty set of  choppers. Created by Animatronic Works Ja...

For Sale: Vaguely Tank-Like '88 Chevy Caprice

Only $1,500 separates you from what a very nearsighted and ill-informed person might mistake for an armored car. It's a 1988 Chevrolet Caprice with 33 inch tires and a turret. The car appears to also have a snorkel....

Retro Video Games in Real Life

Waka waka waka! German Photographer Patrick Runte's project Jump 'N' Run visualizes what retro video games, like Pac-Man above, would look like in real life: Link - via Desig...

Trailer For Fugu & Tako Proves You Are What You Eat

(YouTube Link) Sometimes a hankering for some unusual foodstuffs can result in an upset stomach, sometimes it can change your life forever. Check out this crazy trailer for upcoming movie from director Ben West- *e...

Sailing the Oceans of Bedsheets

This is wonderful: Guatemalan photographer Luis González Palma photographed a series of model ships "sailing" the rough oceans of bedsheets. Watch out for that iceberg...

Illinois Approves The Use Of Mini Horses As Service Animals

Miniature horse fans rejoice! Thanks to a Senate vote, miniature horses have now been approved for use as service animals in the state of Illinois. Here's why mini horses make awesome guides: According to the Gui...

Fawns Have Escape Plans

"It's a lion*, run!" strategy doesn't seem to work out very well for white-tailed deer fawns. What works, it turns out, is an escape plan: Fawns often byp...

The Ideal Shape of Subway Systems

Is there an ideal shape for a subway system? Statistical physicist Marc Barthelemy and Camille Roth of France's National Center for Scientific Research analyzed subways of New York, To...


A quiz from 1948! How fun! You can be a real he-man and still like to make a cheese souffle. To find out, though, how strongly masculine or feminine your interests are study these six sets of pictures, check your pr...

The Root of American Obesity Problem Explained by a Mathematician

Americans have been wringing their hands about the problem of obesity for decades (for some of us, while munching on snacks), but never before has the problem been attacked from the perspe...

"The Ferraris of the Bird World"

To many people, pigeons are rats with wings, but to some, they're the "Ferraris of the bird world." And they've got the price tags to prove it: To the average ob...

Man Arrested for Leaving Son in Car

A man was arrested in Shepherdsville, Kentucky on misdemeanor charges of endangering the welfare of a minor. He had gone into a bar to drink and left his son behind in the car. According to an arrest report, 59-year-old...


(YouTube link) And you thought nothing could be sillier than Sharktopus! SyFy does it again with a man-eating fish-reptile called Piranhaconda, coming to a river, er, TV near you. -via The Daily What...

All You Can Eat Dispute

This story reminds me of the joke about a customer who was upset that a waitress cut him off the buffet after two plates. "That's ALL you can eat for ten dollars!" she said. But this is a real story out of Thien...

The LEGO Gender Gap

In a two-part article at Sociological Images, David Pickett traces the history of LEGO and the toy's male-female dichotomy. The toys were pretty much gender-neutral before the introduction of mini-figs in 1978. Even...

Transparent House

A house in Tokyo, Japan, by Sou Fujimoto Architects stands out because it's completely transparent, made from a plastic frame, some transparent panels, and lots of open space. The idea was inspired by our distant anc...


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