(vimeo link)
You might think that Adele has little in common with '80s one-hit-wonder Baltimora, but their songs "Set Fire to the Rain" and "Tarzan Boy" mix surprisingly well. How do people come up with these odd comb...
When you have both male and female LEGO minifigs, you are bound to see babies sooner or later. These custom minifigs are from Citizen Brick. Link -via Laughing Squid
(Image source: The Brothers Brick)Lego, babies,...
It all begins with one dot, made with a pushpin. The hole, which exposes the interior to the air, rots and turns brown. Phil Hansen keeps pricking the skin until he creates complete image. At the link, watch a time-l...
A quiz from 1948! How fun!
You can be a real he-man and still like to make a cheese souffle. To find out, though, how strongly masculine or feminine your interests are study these six sets of pictures, check your pr...
(YouTube link)
And you thought nothing could be sillier than Sharktopus! SyFy does it again with a man-eating fish-reptile called Piranhaconda, coming to a river, er, TV near you. -via The Daily What...
A house in Tokyo, Japan, by Sou Fujimoto Architects stands out because it's completely transparent, made from a plastic frame, some transparent panels, and lots of open space. The idea was inspired by our distant anc...