Archive for March 29th, 2012

Loving The Lizard

(Video Link) Somehow this almost seems like a Sobe ad, but this kitten with his lizard friend are way too sweet to be shilling anything but love. Via Cute Overloadcats, Cute, videos, animals, pets, lizards...

Bubble Roll Message Maker

Bubble Roll Message Maker - $3.45 Shhh. Come closer. We have a secret to tell you.  You need to check out the Bubble Roll Message Maker from the NeatoShop. This fantastic little confectionery do0-dad allows you to writ...

Sit Back, But Don't Relax

Photographer and artist Philippe Remette knows how to make an impression with his pictures, of course, usually that impression is OFG! That's because he uses an amazing array of tricks to capture himself looking stra...

Red vs. Blue Accents: How Dialects and Politics Go Hand in Hand

Politicians always say that they listen to the voters, but if you want to find out how a certain population will vote, it's better to have a linguistics expert listen instead. A...

Tooth Tattoo Will Tell You Why You're Sick

Usually, your tooth will ache to tell you that something's wrong but that's before the days of the tooth tattoos. If Mike McAlpine of Princeton University has his ways, we all will be...

Soccer Team Hadn't Scored a Goal in Five Matches, So Fans Helpfully Pointed Arrows toward the Goal

The soccer team of Magdeburg, Germany wasn't doing well. Fans suspected that the players didn't know where the opposing goal was and were just too embarrassed to ask. So at a recent match against a Berlin team, they...

Surprising Insights From Big Data

If you talk to a Silicon Valley-type, chances are the words "Big Data" will pop into the conversation. It's basically a really, really big dataset of things and facts - and...

Emergency Lockpicks

Afraid of being locked out of the house? Most of us just carry a spare key in our wallets, but not the members of TOOOL (The Open Organization of Lockpickers). No sir, they've got this...

Functional Star Trek Tricorder

The glorious march to making Star Trek real continues! We already have PADDs. Now, thanks to Peter Jansen, a researcher at the University of Arizona, we have a Next Generation-style science tricorde...

The Little Heroes

Yale Stewart's outstanding webcomic Little League remembers the Justice League before it became famous. It's hard to be a kid, especially when Mr. Darkseid is school's gym teacher and a cootie plague sweeps...

Man Attacked by Cougar, Saved by Bear

Nature hikes are often adventures, but the one that Robert Biggs, 69, took in Whisky Flats, California, is a bit of a doozy: he was attacked by a cougar ... and rescued by a bear!...

Floating Movie Theater

I assume that the projection stand and the screen are anchored into the ground, but otherwise Ole Scheeren's temporary movie theater off the coast of Thailand rocked with the waves. A recent film festival used it for...

Trailer For Rise Of The Guardians

(YouTube Link) Santa Claus has never been more badass, with his tattoo sleeves and militaristic garb, it's no wonder he was chosen to lead the guardians of humanity. Check out this slick trailer for the upcoming re...

How Gourmet Country Ham Is Made

(Video Link) I think that it's been at least a year since I've had country ham for breakfast, but I can almost taste it through my monitor while watching this video. Although it doesn't produce a vast quantity,...

Soccer Fans Create Enormous Pac-Man Mosaic

During a match against Barcelona, fans of Milan's soccer team erected a placard mosaic of a vengeful Pac-Man bearing down on Inky. The text below reads "Let's eat them!" That's a good idea, because they're no hiding...

A Groovy Kind of Earworm

Urban artist id-iom noticed a temporary blue wall around an empty lot in London, and decided to do this little stencil job. Now did a certain earworm pop up when you read that...

Disgusting Virgin Boy Eggs Are A Chinese Delicacy

Just when you thought the food eaten by the mainland Chinese couldn't get any stranger, here comes this disgusting delicacy-eggs soaked in the urine of boys under 10 years old. Called Virgin Boy Eggs, they're a bi...

Strawberry Margarita Jello Shooters

You'll need large strawberries and a steady hand with a knife, but if you're careful, you can create shooters like these. Naomi's recipe, which you can find at the link, calls for tequila and Cointreau. I think that...

Perfect Bookends for Your Collection of Anger Management Self-Help Books

This set of chainsaw attack bookends will discourage anyone from criticizing your taste in literature. Etsy seller Knob Creek Metal Arts made them and many other cute metal pieces of home decor. Link -via NotCotet...

The Decipher the Doodle Contest is Back!

The Decipher the Doodle Contest returns to NeatoBambino and it's another chance for you to win a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! The doodle in question (which you only see a small portion of here) was drawn by a fiv...

Student Loans for Kindergarten

Student loan for college? Puh-leeze - that's pedestrian. The new hot trend in education loans is kindergarten student loans. You read that right. Kindergarten. Annamaria Andriot...

Salt Staircase

John Farrier posted about Motoi Yamamoto's amazing salt labyrinth before, but that's just one of many cool salt artwork that the artist has made. Check out this crumbling salt...

Keyboard Keys Stationary Set

Keyboard Keys Stationary Set - $12.95 Spring is here. It's time to clean up that mess you call a desk. Get organized with the fashionably geeky Keyboard Keys Stationary Set from the NeatoShop. This fun set includes:...

Knucklecase: The Toughest iPhone Case Around

Tired of being called an Apple fanboy? Your detractors will think twice before calling you names if you sport this iPhone case! Behold, the Knucklecase, crafted out of a solid aluminum...

Brother-Captain Colin: Grey Knight Terminator

DeviantART member Colin~Midwest made this suit of armor out of foam and fiberglass. It was a three-year project! The resulting look makes that effort worth the while. Read more about how he did it, and see lots more...

Man-Heel: High Heels for Men

Short men have been wearing discreet "lifts" for a long time, but this is something else. Behold, the "meel" or man-heel, the newest fashion trend to hit the stre...

A Better Hangman Strategy

Rocket scientist and data geek Nick Berry of DataGenetics has calculated the best strategy for winning the game Hangman. You might think you know which letters to pick first to maximize your chance of guessing right, bu...

Pikachu Pinafore

A formal apron? A Pikachu pinafore? With all this tulle, you wouldn't be making a mess in the kitchen with it, but put it over dress and it's perfect for prom or any other cosplay event! Custom made for you by Amanda...

Abandoned Pianos

If you have ever been fortunate enough to come across an abandoned piano, you probably recall how fascinated you were. Knowing how intricate, entertaining, and expensive they are, it's sad to think of someone just gi...

Bacon Coffin

When you want to go whole hog for a funeral, you can have a genuine bacon coffin for just $2,999.99! This genuine bacon casket is made of 18 Gauge Gasketed Steel with Premium Bacon Exterior/Interior, and includes a...


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