Why make one? As President Kennedy said of a somewhat similar ambition, we Americans do great things like this "not because they are easy, but because they are hard." Nick of Dude Foods -- the man behind the chocolat...
(Video Link)
Two men want to paint, but have different objectives. One is a graffiti artist; the other paints over graffiti. Who will prevail when both have paint powers beyond human understanding? Check out the exc...
In The Lord of the Rings, the Nazgûl were among the most dangerous foes our heroes encountered. Jason Ku, a mechanical engineering student at MIT, rendered a frighteningly realistic one in paper. He's been...
A European Union Council rule mandates "that cattle housed in groups should be given sufficient space so that they can all lie down simultaneously". Researchers at Oxford University and Clarkson University in New York st...
(YouTube link)
The Krampus Parade in Graz, Austria stands your idea of Christmas celebration on its ear, right? This video was recorded last December. Read more about Krampus in previous posts at Neatorama. -via Buz...