Archive for September 13th, 2011

U.S. Residents Grade their States

Residents were asked to rate their states among factors such as economy, education, and things to do. In total, 293 people responded with an average of 5 per state. Click the link to see the report cards. Link -vi...

Man Rigs His Windows to Close Automatically When Trains Pass by

(Video Link) Ed Rogers likes to keep the windows of his bedroom open. But he lives next to active railroad tracks, which makes his bedroom very noisy at times. So he assembled a machine that closes the windows autom...

Flying Spaghetti Monster Cosplay

Nancy Dorsner snapped a photo of this cosplayer at Dragon*Con. But...I thought that the FSM was...masculine? I'm confused. Or has the attribution of masculinity to the FSM just been a sexist tradition not grounded in...

43,000-Piece LEGO Star Destroyer

Six years ago, we posted about the Rebel Alliance attack cruiser that Erik Varszegi made with 35,000 LEGO pieces. He's now topped that with a 8-foot long, 43,000-piece Venator-class Star Destroyer. Link -...

Nyan Cat Cosplay

(Video Link) Craftster user shdwstrm won at Teh Internets by making this awesome Nyan Cat costume for a convention in Toronto. The pop-tart body is, however, not edible, which is a disappointment. Presumably she's w...

Manhattan in Marble

Yutaka Sone, an artist originally trained in architecture, carved a nine-foot long model of Manhattan into a block of marble. To gather information for the project, he used photos, Google Earth, and a few helicopter...

Moleskine Star Wars Battle

(Video Link) Moleskine, the maker of iconic notebooks, is producing a model with a Star Wars theme. So it made this cute paper stop-motion animated battle between TIE fighters and X-wings. -via The Mary...

Transformers Chest Hair

What could make this even more awesome? If the guy had shaved the Decepticons' logo into his back hair. Link -via Geekologie | Photo: unknowntransformers, chest hair...

Overcoming Selection Bias

During World War II, the Royal Air Force asked Abraham Wald, a statistician, to help decide where armor should be added to the UK's bombers. The RAF gave Wald information about which parts of its planes were typically hi...

Is SpongeBob SquarePants Rotting Your Kid's Brain?

Maybe, according to a new study, that found kids perform poorly at certain tasks after watching fast-paced cartoons: Lillard and Peterson randomly assigned 60 4-year-olds...

Toilet Monster

Toilet Monster - $16.95 Are you a prankster who loves potty humor?  You need the Toilet Monster from the NeatoShop. Simply attach this hilarious green monster to the toilet and wait for someone you know to lift the l...

How Will Shortz Edits a Crossword Puzzle

If you're a crossword puzzle lover, then the name Will Shortz will require no introduction. The New York Times crossword puzzle editor, and the only known person to hold a degree in en...

Luigi Made In Tetris

(Video Link) I've always fancied myself a pretty good Tetris player, but even at my prime I don't think I could make art with the blocks while playing the game. This takes some major skills. Via Geekosystemmario,...

25 Pictures Taken At the Perfect Time

I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely love all those galleries of pictures taken at the perfect moment and this BuzzFeed collection is definitely a good one -particularly in the cat pictures. This kitty looks...

Did Early Americans Have A British Accent?

Have you ever wondered if George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Hancock and the rest of the Founding Fathers spoke with a British accent? It would make sense, after all, they were originally members of the English coloni...

Do Zombies and Vampires Vote?

While I always though vampires were kind of cool, I find zombies to be a lot scarier. As it turns out, it might just be because I'm a bit liberal. According to this graph, more zombie stories are released when Republ...

5 Incredibly Useful Pests

No one wants to come out of a lake or river covered in leeches and if your doctor pulls them out, you probably ought to run away as fast as you can...that is, unless you have arthritis. As it turns out, they can be parti...

Exploded Flowers by Fong Qi Wei

Inspired by Todd McLellan's Disassembly series, Singaporean photographer Fong Qi Wei created an absolutely fantastic series of Exloded Flowers: The act of disassem...

Things That Always Happen in Movies, But Never Ever in Real Life

Paul Tassi at Unreality magazine illustrated a long list of things suggested in a reddit thread that happen over and over in movies, but never in real life. So if one of these things happen to you, you must be in...

Are You As Fit As a World War II GI?

The Art of Manliness posted the physical fitness requirements and testing process used in the U.S. Army during World War II. The Army first introduced a formal fitness test to the troops in 1942. Millions of men were be...

Fat Guy Sues White Castle Burger Over Small Booths

Love White Castle burgers but hate their too-teeny-tiny booths? What's a steamed steamed-burger fan to do? (See what I did there?) Here's what one self-described "not humongous but...

The Murf

(vimeo link) Scott Benson made this animation for the song "The Murf" by the band Rendezvous.? It wordlessly tells the story of "growing up in the universe." The storyline, and the making of the video, is detailed a...

The Trinity Building, New York

Feast your eyes on some fantastic old architecture in New York City. The Trinity Building was built in 1904-1907. It is flanked by the U.S. Realty Building, constructed at the same time (making them the original "twi...

Webcam 101 for Seniors

(YouTube link) A delightful elderly couple try to figure out how to use their webcam. You don't have to be tech-savvy to get a lot out of life. -via The Daily Whattech, webcam, old age, elderly...

The 374-Word Oath

by Seth Jarndyl, Improbable Research staff What is the lengthiest spoken oath regularly required of witnesses in a formal legal trial? I believe the answer is: 374 words, in the legal courts of Burma (now M...

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