ICC Judge: No More Wigs!

The International Criminal Court is currently addressing, among other issues, Kenya's 2007 presidential election. A judge politely suggested that attorneys stop wearing the wigs traditionally worn in Britain and its former colonies:

Justice Ekaterina Trendafilova paused briefly at the end of the hearing to pass a hair-raising judgment.

"This is not the dress code of this institution," she said.

"In this quite warm weather maybe it will be more convenient to be without wigs," she added with a smile.

It is unusual for lawyers to appear at the International Criminal Court in wigs, but not unheard of. At least three lawyers wore wigs during the initial appearance of three Kenyan suspects on April 8, without Justice Trendafilova issuing any dress code guidelines.

Link | Photo (unrelated) via Flickr user Steve Punter used under Creative Commons license

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