Archive for September 18th, 2010

For $3,500, Alyssa Milano Will Follow You on Twitter

Actress Alyssa Milano is raising money for an orphanage in Haiti by offering to follow on Twitter the highest bidder in an auction: Alyssa Milano will follow you on Twitter for a minimum of 90 days, will retweet o...

Credit Card Survival Tool

Credit Card Survival Tool - $3.95Survive the urban jungle - carry this multi-functional Credit Card Survival Tool from the NeatoShop that's slim enough to fit in your pocket. The stainless steel tool has 11 separate func...

Kid's Bedroom Has Giant Slide to the Kitchen

Here's every kid's dream: A house in Jakarta, designed by Indonesian architect Aboday, features a spiral concrete slide so the family kid can get down to the kitchen from his bedroom in a jiffy! Don't you wish your paren...

How Do You Bathe a Stubborn Python?

How do you bathe a stubborn python (really, a real python)? In a bathtub, of course! Vimeo user 8E captured the ordeal of giving her albino burmese python Julius a bubble bath. The hardest part seems to be heaving the 13...

Bizarre Wat Bang Phra Tattoo Festival

Think your tattoos are cool? Well, can they protect your from bullets and possess your body?Oddity Central has a fascinating look at the Thai Wat Bang Phra Tattoo Festival:Each year, tattooed devotees come to Wat Ban...

Webchat Went Horribly, Hilariously Wrong

A young Chinese man was pulling a late shift working and he decided to have a little webchat with his girlfriend ... when things went horribly, oh, so horribly wrong.See what happened (no knowledge of Chinese required, y...

Star Trek Communicator Cell Phone Prototype by Nokia

TechEBlog spotted an ultra-rare Star Trek Communicator cell phone by Nokia that is "intended to simulate the iconic voice comms devices of the original TV series."A working cellphone made in the form of a S...

Marvel Cats

#MRVLCATS is a Twitter meme for which artists illustrate Marvel superheroes and other comic book characters as cats. Shown here is Dr. Strange by Adam Koford (who also did the artwork around this page). Agent M works...

This Week at Neatorama

Arrrr! Tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! To get ready, you might want to check out these Neatorama articles about pirates: Pirate Lore: 7 Myths and Trrrrruths About Pirates! or The Last Great Buried Treas...

Hakuna Matata

Zinzi is a young lioness that was rejected by her mother. Bob is a meerkat who lives at Predator World Zoo and Game Farm near Sun City, South Africa. The two are best friends and even sleep together, echoing the friendsh...

Pop Top Bottle Opener

Pop Top Bottle Opener - $14.95Remember the soda can pull tab? The Pop Top Bottle Opener from the NeatoShop, is shaped like a giant shiny pull tab and harks back to the good ol' days when soda pop was made from cane sugar...

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