Archive for May 18th, 2010

William Shatner + Sh*t My Dad Says

How do you make the Twitter sensation (and now published book) Shit My Dad Says any better? Just add William Shatner and a sitcom on CBS coming next season.From Betty Confidential: In the show, whose title hasn’...

Hail the Swimmin' Pool!

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]A hail storm in Oklahoma, illustrated by a swimming pool. Stay with it; things really get rolling at about the one minute mark.From the Upcoming ueue, s...

Clever Invitation to a Lost-Themed Party

From flickr user Snappymoosetree: Bill always brings his A++++ game. I found this amazing invitation on my desk this morning from my coworker to watch the series finally of lost. This is why Bill V. is the...

The Empire Strikes Back (1950)

(YouTube link) What of The Empire Strikes Back were a 3D movie from the 1950s? It would look somewhat like this. A list of the video sources can be seen at the YouTube link. -via The Daily WhatStar Wars, film...

The Chemistry of Instinct

A mouse doesn't have to have experience with a cat to be afraid, be very afraid. But they must have the nose to pick up the chemical signals of danger. Mice have a specialized organ in their noses...

Asking for Trouble

This would be dangerous if it were a real ad. Link -via Nag on the LakeAd, monkey, drinking...

Soviet Terminator

(YouTube link) A Russian short film from 1946, way before computer generated effects! -via Dark Roasted Blendrussia, vintage, animation, special effects...

Bubble Wrap Wedding Dress

Rachael Robinson of Toft, Lincolnshire, England married Duncan Turner while they were on vacation in Canada. For the ceremony, she wore a dress made completely of recycled materials, including 13 feet of bubble wrap! *e...

Improv Everywhere: Ghostbusters in the NYC Public Library

(YouTube Link) First, men covered with sheets, one by one, entered the reading room at the New York Public Library and engaged in normal library patron activities. People noticed, and the dramatic tension began to...

Create Your Own Punctuation Mark

Tyler Cowen of the blog Marginal Revolution responded to an interesting question by a reader. It was: If you could create a punctuation mark, what would its function be and what would it look like?...

A Computer Algorithm That Can Detect Sarcasm

A research team at Hebrew University in Israel has developed a computer program that can recognize sarcasm with about 77% accuracy: To create such an algorithm, the team scanned 66,000 product revie...

Robot Avatar Lets You Go to Meetings without Actually Going There

Robotics firm Anybots proposes that its robotic avatars could replace the physical presence of people at far away locations. In the future, you'll be able to attend workplace conferences and tour facilities remotely...

Geekspeak: How Many Flies Would It Take To Pull A Car?

The book Geekspeak: A Guide to Answering the Unanswerable, Making Sense of the Insensible, and Solving the Unsolvable by Dr. Graham Tattersall poses, and answers, those questions that no one else seems to addres...

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