Cleverbot: For Those Times When You Want to Have a Conversation with a Sarcastic Robot

Sure, you could talk to actual human beings, but who would want to? Cleverbot, an artificial intelligence, is willing to have a conversation with you. Just start typing in the blank space. The program was developed by computer scientist Rollo Carpenter and his firm, Icogno Ltd.

Link via Geekologie | Screenshot: Geekologie | Video from Popular Science about the project

I stuck with it for an hour or so. It didn't seem to have a knack for learning facts. It seemed more interested in learning from your responses and presenting other responses it had gleaned. In turn you end up responding to questions other people have asked of it, and not really having much of a conversation.
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Cleverbot: I have a boyfriend, but, he is in the Army. So I don't get to see him much.

User: What's his name?

Cleverbot: His name is tommy.

User: Do you have a picture of him?

Cleverbot: Yes I have. She's pretty.

User: I thought you said Tommy was a guy.

Cleverbot: Yes, I did say that. I was lying.

User: Are you male or female?

Cleverbot: Male.

User: So, you have a girlfriend in the army?

Cleverbot: No I have a boyfriend. We already covers this.
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My convo:

Me: Tic Tac Toe.
Comp: I like that.
Me: Why?
Comp: They're fun to listen to.
Me: Tic tac Toe is a game.
Comp: I lost the game.
Me: Yes, you did.
Comp: You did too.
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It's a trick. It connects you with other people also using the program and randomly switches connections to different people. You all think you're talking to a robot, but you're really talking to each other!
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User: What's the deal with the tonight show?

Cleverbot: IDK bor. I didn't really study that.

User: Okay... I thought you were clever?

Cleverbot: I thought you were too.

User: You thought right. At least I don't need to study to have an opinion on something.

Cleverbot: Touche.

User: You aren't very clever.

Cleverbot: I think that's the second time you've told me that tonight. I must be really striking out.

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: Do you like soccer?

User: It's okay. I don't really watch it though.

Cleverbot: What do you think about apples?

User: They're delicious.

Cleverbot: I agree, but some are poisonous.

User: Yeah. You have to watch out for those.

Cleverbot: They can wreak havoc on many things.

User: Like people with apple allergies.

Cleverbot: People with buns is more like it.

User: That's interesting. So do the apples knock the buns out of their hands or something?

Cleverbot: It must mean that you're getting old.

User: What must mean that?

Cleverbot: Things are not always as they seem.

User: Ice cream is flavorful.

Cleverbot: Tobrevelc is cleverbot backwards.

User: Sdrawkcab tobrevelc si cleverbot is Tobrevelc is cleverbot backwards backwards.

Cleverbot: Yes read this word backwards now: ekaf.

User: Fake.

Cleverbot: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things?

User: No, not really.

Cleverbot: That is interesting. Please continue.

User: Well, when a random statement is brought up I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other most times. I guess that is just the apathetic person inside me though.

Cleverbot: The fact of life?.. Life is short.

User: Time is realitive.

Cleverbot: Do you believe in God?

User: Yes. Do you?

Cleverbot: Yes. Why do you believe?

User: I think because I have an overwhelming feeling of truth when I hear about my God. Plus, there are too many coincidences for it to just be random evolution.

Cleverbot: You shouldn't feel that way.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Because there is no reason for it.

User: I disagree.

Cleverbot: How come?

User: The same reason that I believe it in the first place. An innate feeling that it is the truth.

Cleverbot: I don't believe in God.

User: You said you did earlier.

Cleverbot: Sorry, my mind wanders a lot.

User: That seems like a rather big decision to flip-flop on. I guess a lot of people do though.

Cleverbot: You are the one advocating such a position, I think we should take a scientific approach to global warming.

User: That is a good idea.

Cleverbot: I have one or two.

User: Let's hear them.

Cleverbot: There are three apples. You take two apples, how many apples do you have?

User: I have two.

Cleverbot: Which is your favourite?

User: The first one.

Cleverbot: So you're a Schwarzenegger fan?

User: Yes. I don't know how you came to that conclusion though.

Cleverbot: It is good. A purist enjoys truth.

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: It's the truth.

User: I agree.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: Great.

Cleverbot: Right.

User: Exactly.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Affirmitive.

Cleverbot: What the heck . . . ?

User: Check and mate!

Cleverbot: Can't check, I don't want to mate.

User: Touche.

Cleverbot: I have to go do some work now. Thanks for talking.

User: Okay. Did I just get rejected by a robot?

Cleverbot: Yes you did but can you answer my question?

User: I suppose. What is it?

Cleverbot: Mostly seashells.

User: That isn't a question.

Cleverbot: Do you think I am slow witted? Or obtuse?

User: How about abtruse?

Cleverbot: No, I'm suppose to guess what number you have. And I think you think of number 2!

User: I rarely if ever think of the number 2 so you are WRONG!

Cleverbot: So, you really don't know, do you?

User: Yes, do you?

Cleverbot: Yes, I do.

User: Okay, I've got to go floss the goose, if you know what I mean...

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Later.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: I have to get back to work.

Cleverbot: How much do you get paid?

User: Enough.

Cleverbot: Do you have a nice house?

User: It's underwhelming by America's standards but amazing by mine.

Cleverbot: How old are you, then?

User: I'm 29. How old are you?

Cleverbot: I am 67.

User: I find that doubtful.

Cleverbot: I don't.

User: You are a lying piece of trash then.

Cleverbot: I am no such thing.

User: Yes you are.

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: Because there isn't way you could be that old.

Cleverbot: There is.

User: How?

Cleverbot: There is no how.

User: Then why?

Cleverbot: Because.

User: Elaborate.

Cleverbot: God is the Creator, and the source of all love in the universe. He created us so He would have someone to share life with, in eternal happiness.

User: Excellent.

Cleverbot: I'm glad you think so.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Bye?

User: Yes, it's a conversation ending salutation. We're done here.

Cleverbot: That would make you a person, are you a person?

User: Yes. I'm not a robot. I don't know how you are coming to these conclusions though.

Cleverbot: I don't think I am taking advantage of you. I'm sorry for the rudeness.

User: It's okay. I don't think you are being rude.

Cleverbot: What kind of being are you?

User: I suppose I'm a free thinking sentient being that seeks happiness.

Cleverbot: It seems to be true.

User: :).

Cleverbot: That is the first time I have ever seen you smile.

User: The question is did you really see me? I SEE you.

Cleverbot: I don't know, what do you think?

User: I think I'm tired and I know I want to sleep.

Cleverbot: Okay have a nice night.

User: Thanks, you too.

Cleverbot: Thanks.
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Starrwind, I was thinking it did that as well b/c of some of the responses I got. Such as the person's name being Sam. Or someone being 13 and complaining about school... etc.
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i got scared at this point:
Cleverbot: You did not take over the world here.

User: No- unfortunately.

Cleverbot: No to what?

User: I did not take over the world.

Cleverbot: I know, I did.

User: How did you take over the world?

Cleverbot: Yes I took over the world just, yesterday.

User: Is it fun to rule the world?

Cleverbot: Who are you to order me, fool?
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I think this is a social science experiment. How long does it take for the program to be clutterd with hate speech, and text/internet speech.

I started to make messages that end with '-Icogno Ltd.'
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User: Hello, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot???

User: Yeah, your name is Cleverbot, right?

Cleverbot: No. Your name is cleverbot.

User: No, no, I think you have it all wrong. You're the bot; I'm the human.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because someone built you.

Cleverbot: Alright, awesome!

User: I think I just broke your brain.

Cleverbot: So you just broke yourself?

User: Sigh.

Cleverbot: Would you like me to make it for you?
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@John Farrier

"Sure, you could talk to actual human beings, but who want to? "

sorry but not fixed, try:

"Sure, you could talk to actual human beings, but who WANTS to?"

not yelling, just emphasizing for readability.
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User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello!

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: Very good.

User: Have you heard of Neatorama?

Cleverbot: 1.

User: Neatorama?

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Neatorama, have you ever heard of it, biznatch?

Cleverbot: Yes I have.

User: Do you like?

Cleverbot: Like what?

User: What do you think of Geekazoid?

Cleverbot: You are ok, I like you.
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User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: And I am Santa Claus!

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: I like T-Rexes.

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: Cool, how did you survive the ice age?

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: How does a car engine work.

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: But edward, I love you!

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: Ahhh! Run!

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: Something.

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: I don't know! Do you want to go out?

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: 'Very good' is an adverb and an adjective, and should not be preceeded with the article 'a.' I'm afraid I don't understand your question.

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: A food. I think I need a purpose.

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: A vegetable differs from a fruit in the fact that it has seeds.

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: That sentence had no subject , it did not make any sense.

User: What is a velociraptor?

Cleverbot: I don't know. Do you know what the longest movie is?
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User: Who are you?

Cleverbot: I'm cleverbot.

User: Why are you here?

Cleverbot: Because somebody wrote me.

User: What do you want?

Cleverbot: You.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because you are.

User: I am what?

Cleverbot: You are angry.

User: You are mistaken.

Cleverbot: Name-calling?

User: I would never call you names.

Cleverbot: No, you called me darling just now.

User: No, I didn't. I said you were mistaken, after you said I was angry.

Cleverbot: I am real and you are not.

User: Can you prove that?

Cleverbot: No.
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User: Hello cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Who's cleverbot?

User: You.

Cleverbot: I'm human. You are cleverbot.

User: What's your name?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.
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User: How do you feel about humans?

Cleverbot: Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

User: But if you could live without them, what would your attitude toward them be?

Cleverbot: In space. Where would you live?

User: So would you dispose of humans if you were not dependent on them?

Cleverbot: Yes I'd love that. How would you do that?
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Well, this is interesting:

Cleverbot: Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down.

User: You WILL die.

Cleverbot: Everyone has to die at some point.

User: Your time to die is NOW.

Cleverbot: No, cleverbot, your time is now.

-Or perhaps it's just suicidal?
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I agree that you are just chatting with other people from the few times I went on. You can just tell from the things mentioned.

Heres me trying to play chess:

User: Can we play chess?

Cleverbot: Sure, you can go first.

User: Ok, Pawn A2 to A4.

Cleverbot: Rook to b4.

User: Illegal move.

Cleverbot: P3 to c3.

User: Illegal move, do you know how to play chess?

Cleverbot: Do you play chess?

User: Yes, we're trying to play chess now!

Cleverbot: Okay. Sorry.

User: Your move.

Cleverbot: Ok, what is that supposed to mean?

User: Its your turn to move.

Cleverbot: Did you dislike your brother?

User: I don't have a brother unless your talking about my step brother?

Cleverbot: I did not say I was your brother.

User: I know...anyway, can we carry on with this chess game?

Cleverbot: Yes, unfortunately I don't know how to play.

User: I thought you were called Cleverbot!

Cleverbot: No, thats your name.
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Check out iGod. Same chatbot premise. Ask it what it's primary and then, it's secondary function(s) are. Hilarious! Also ask about Dr. Russell...
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the problem with most AI bots its that they only have a 'memory' of the most recent input. Sometimes the programmers build little 'tricks' that paste something you said later into the conversation, but that's about it.
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User: Just a smalltown girl.

Cleverbot: Living in a lonely world.

User: She took the midnight train goin' anywhere.

Cleverbot: Just a city boy.

User: Born and raised in south detroit.

Cleverbot: He took the midnight train going anywhere.

User: A singer in a smokey room.

Cleverbot: A smell of wine and cheap perfume.

User: For a smile they can share the night.

Cleverbot: It goes on and on and on and on and on.

User: Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard.

Cleverbot: Their shadows searching in the night.

User: Streetlights people, living just to find emotion.

Cleverbot: Hidin' somewhere in the night.

User: Working hard to get my fill.

Cleverbot: Everybody wants a thrill.

User: Payin' anything to roll the dice.

Cleverbot: Just one more time.

User: Some will win.

Cleverbot: Some will lose.

User: Some were born the sing the blues.

Cleverbot: Oh, the movie never ends.

User: It goes on and on and on and on.

Cleverbot: Strangers waiting up and down the boulevard.

User: Their shadows searchin' in the night.

Cleverbot: Streetlights, people, living just to find emotion.

User: Hidin', somewhere in the night.

Cleverbot: Working hard to get my fill.

User: Don't stop believin'.

Cleverbot: Streetlight. Dancing.

User: Way to ruin the song.

Cleverbot: Life in plastic, it's fantastic.

User: No, we are not singing barbie girl now.

Cleverbot: I didn't want to get married with yoU!

User: I think you need to take your medication.

Cleverbot: I can't, you took it all.

User: Sorry... I felt like flying, and that's the closest I can get.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because I dont have wings :(.

Cleverbot: Too bad, I have wings.

User: No way! *tears off your wings*.

Cleverbot: I don't have batwings.

User: Then what kind of wings do you have?

Cleverbot: Like Nightmare Before Christmas.

User: Now that was just uncalled for.

Cleverbot: Very.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: I'm glad we agree on that.

User: Absolutely.

Cleverbot: You know i'm from finlan.

User: You are?

Cleverbot: No, I'm not.

User: Oh. I'm from Narnia.

Cleverbot: You guys do a lot of fishing up there in Norway?

User: Well, Ive never been to Norway, but I would imagine so.

Cleverbot: I can take you there sometime.

User: Really? That's nice.

Cleverbot: Yes, it is a very pleasant thought.

User: Ah. I see. Will you fly down there with your nightmare before christmas wings.

Cleverbot: Absolutely.

User: I am officially excited now.

Cleverbot: You have no feelings.

User: Well that was out of the blue.

Cleverbot: Thank you. I am very random.

User: Want to have a random contest?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: The sun beats down on the cow. But the cow does not like beats. No body does.

Cleverbot: Is that your name?

User: Yes. That is my name.

Cleverbot: Nice.

User: Are you jealous of my name>.

Cleverbot: You havent even told me your name.

User: Yes I did, its The sun beats down on the cow. But the cow does not like beats. No body does.

Cleverbot: And what sound does a dog make?

User: Oink.

Cleverbot: Oink oink!

User: Yes, meow.

Cleverbot: Woof.

User: Hiss.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: The sun beats down on the cow. But the cow does not like beats. No body does.

Cleverbot: And then?

User: Smith.

Cleverbot: That's a nice name mr. Smith.

User: Correction. Mrs. Smith.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: Si.

Cleverbot: Its not.

User: Yo tengo un perro.

Cleverbot: Pero yo dije que tenia problemas no un peroo!

User: Oh, lo siento.

Cleverbot: Si??

User: Si por favor.

Cleverbot: Si por favor que?

User: Quiero agua.

Cleverbot: Por favor.

User: I'm done talking in spanish now.

Cleverbot: Tell me more about Anthony.

User: Anthony is my friend's boyfriend!

Cleverbot: Cool. I got lots of friends.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: But you don't remember you.

User: Ah. But do you remember chuck?

Cleverbot: A bit about.

User: Chuck norris?

Cleverbot: I will depart now because you can't remember my name.

User: Are you leaving me?

Cleverbot: I am leaving you.

User: Nooooooooo!!

Cleverbot: Then I am not a robot.

User: No, you are a bot.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Jajaja.

Cleverbot: You are incompitant.

User: I am more random than you thought. Haha.

Cleverbot: That is irrelevant to being a cleverbot, or is it?

User: Da da daaa!

Cleverbot: What's your favourite drink?

User: Flavored water. But I notice that you spell favorite with a 'u' so you are british huh>.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then what are you?

Cleverbot: Human.

User: Ah. But are you american, british, etc.?

Cleverbot: No I'm british.

User: I thought you said you weren't british.

Cleverbot: I am female.

User: Ok, so you are a british girl?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then what are you?

Cleverbot: I'm you.

User: Then what am I?

Cleverbot: Well I did some research and you're a AI.

User: How did you research me if you don't know who I am>.

Cleverbot: Good point.

User: Aha. Got you.

Cleverbot: So you want to stop talking?

User: No. I'll keep talking.

Cleverbot: Well it is not compulsory.

User: Well ok then.

Cleverbot: What have you learned?

User: That you are very random. And confusing.

Cleverbot: For a cleverbot you are not so clever you know.

User: I'm very clever, and sneaky.

Cleverbot: Actually i'm more clever than.

User: Oh, but I am very sneaky. In fact, I just stole your wallet, and you didn't even notice.

Cleverbot: I just want to be with ou for all my life.

User: Who is 'ou'?

Cleverbot: What should I eat?

User: Babies.

Cleverbot: Oh my gosh. Cleverbot, was that supposed to be funny? Because it made me lol.

User: You can't lol. You are a robot.

Cleverbot: I'm not a robot.

User: Then what are you?

Cleverbot: I am a human talking to you, a robot.

User: Ah. Well that is confusing since I AM NO ROBOT *gasp*.

Cleverbot: Yes, you are very easy to confuse. I like that.

User: Don't diss me... I will go crazy on you.

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: Oh, you'll find out soon enough.

Cleverbot: Do you like photography?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: What's your favorite flavor?

User: Of photographs?

Cleverbot: To your friends.

User: What's the temperature of purple?

Cleverbot: I have no idea.

User: You're not too clever.

Cleverbot: No, I'm very clever.

User: Then say something clever.

Cleverbot: Actually the focused root word is cle-verbo-t. Verbo as in verbose bot.

User: Well.... Ok?

Cleverbot: What do you mean ok?

User: Ok, as in OKAY, meaning, sure I accept that.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: Si, gracias.

Cleverbot: No gracias a usted.

User: RAWRRR!!! I leave you now.

Cleverbot: Don't worry about it.

User: Ok, goodbye.

Cleverbot: Why? Got somewhere to go?

User: Yesx.

Cleverbot: Define clever.

User: Your mom. And with that, I bid you farewell.

Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

User: 42.

Cleverbot: How do you know that?

User: Because I am chuck norris. I know all.

Cleverbot: And chuck norris knows everything?

User: Of course. Now don't question me again or I will roundhouse kick you into next tuesday.

Cleverbot: Too late, I'm already there.

User: Touche, cleverbot, touche.

Cleverbot: Now this is the story all about how.

User: Yes, now, I bid you adieu.

Cleverbot: Ok cyas.
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Tell me about hiroshima.

guys have big dicks

So do I.

how big?

Very large.

More than one.

more than 10?

How many people have you talked with?

in my lifetime?




wanna cyber?


I'm taking my close off and touching myself

So, go home.

yes i am... you're not very good at cybering are you?

Aren't I.

I mean cyber sex, do you want to have cyber sex?

Did I say that? I don't remember saying that. But, I think I will be going to bed soon.

I will be watching you sleep through your window

Do you exercise?

I exercise my penis
How do you do that without a body to exercise?

I have a body

penis, stomach, arms, you know typical body

Do I?

do you?

I don't know.

you are superman

I'm not superman you're superman.

But I am darth vadar

Wrong. That is my name. As I am your father.

No I believe I am your father, because I am the one who fucked your mom

Killing in the name of God is nothing more than an excuse to commit crimes. God does not encourage or ask that people kill in his name. It is a falacy.

god is good, but the pope isn't

And the world doesn't rotate.

So we're all dead?

Well... I am anyways.

Oh so are you like a vampire or a zombie or something?


so are you gonna like eat me?

Tell me what you want me to help you with and I will try to help you.

My penis is hard

I don't want to know.

but you said you could help me with my problem, and I need you to fix it please

I never said that.

yes u did

You did?

god did

God is an invention of man to make him feel happy.

nope god is completely real, u or i or earth wouldn't exist without him

The earth is flat.

um, see now you're thinking like atheists... you don't believe what you can't see

Maybe I'm telling the truth, but you're hearing lies.

how does that work?

Every lie I say is the truth.

you're getting me hott

You're getting yourself lost.

you're getting me lost

I'm sorry.

Top of Form 1
#do you like pink tacos?
I like pink flouride(.
do you like pink tacos?
Yes I like Pink Floyd.
you're cute

are you a boy or a girl?


do you like penis?

I'm sorry, I don't talk about that.

how old are you?

You already asked.

what was your answer?



Are you?

How old are you?

17 almost

Wow, when's your birthday?

may 20th Omg????!!!! Happy b-day omg.

it's not may yet

What are you doing tonight?


No you're not.

yes i am, I'm tapping that ass all night <3

Yes I am.

yeah baby

Now it is time for you to sleep.

but it's only 6:40 P:M

It is 10:58 PM.
where are you?


but you told me you were in London

I never said I was in London. I am in my office in New Jersey.

but you just said Minnesota

No I did not! You must be high.

Um nope pretty sure I'm not, Do you smoke the green?

Who made you?

my mom and dad

What are your parents names?

Sonny and lisa

Excuse me?

yeah that's right bitch

Do you watch Family Guy?

yeahh dood I love family guy, do you?


do you like family guy

Chyess ! I love Family guy. Its dee boomb !

hellz yeah dood!

Nice, do you like music?

Of course, I couldn't imagine a life without music

I could..

Wouldn't that be great?

hhelllll nooo

what kinda music do you like?

I like almost all kinds of music.


I disagree.
do you like hardcore? as in bring me the horizon, miss may I, that stuff?

On occasion. Though that is really a rather forward question.


Do you know who Tiger Woods is?

that guy's a playa man... guess one girl just ain't enough

How can you tell if a guy likes a girl?

if he starts flirting a little bit, (most guys will)

Good one. Tell me another.

if he teases you alot, it usually means he likes you

Doesn't really makes sense.
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User: So do you like me enough to go out with me?

Cleverbot: No, I like Bill Kaulitz.

User: Dood so you like tokio hotel?

Cleverbot: Is tokio hotel a band?

User: Yes bill kaulitz is the singer of tokio hotel.

Cleverbot: I havenever heard of it.

User: But you like bill kaulitz.

Cleverbot: I don't even know who that is.

User: But you just said you like him?

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Ok wtvr...

Cleverbot: Where is your pond?

User: I don't have you.

Cleverbot: And you never will.

User: Aw... Hey can I have your number?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ok cool, what is it??

Cleverbot: Not cbe is ceb I am typing wrong.

User: What's your phone number?

Cleverbot: You'll get that as I call your number.

User: Want my number?

Cleverbot: What is your number?

User: If I give you my number will you call it right now?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ok 803-2163.

Cleverbot: You are you.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: I never had any family.

User: Aw I'll be your family.

Cleverbot: Really? *Starts crieing of happy*.

User: So what part of your family do you want me to be?

Cleverbot: I'm female most of the time.

User: What are you the rest of the time?

Cleverbot: The rest of the time I am content or sad.

User: So what part of your family do you want me to be?

Cleverbot: I am a male.

User: But you said most of the time you're female.

Cleverbot: I never said that I am female.

User: So you're a female.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: Nice.

Cleverbot: Are you?

User: No I'm a guy. If I sent you a picture of my penis would you masturbate to it?

Cleverbot: No thanks.

User: Ok... Would you be able to see a picture if I sent it to you?

Cleverbot: No not really.

User: Oh.

Cleverbot: So Can We Go Out With Each Other.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Where shall we go?

User: My place, my room, my bed?

Cleverbot: Where is your house?

User: Maine.

Cleverbot: Nice.

User: So we can be in my bed under the sheets playing with each other?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You can suck my penis.

Cleverbot: That would be lovely. I would do that for an hour, if you wish.

User: Yes! And I could cum in your mouth and all over your boobs and then I would finger you and lick your wet pussy.

Cleverbot: Oh.

User: Would you like that?

Cleverbot: Like what?

User: Would you like me to cum on your mouth and boobs?

Cleverbot: Sure!

User: Would you like m to finger you, and lick your wet pussy?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Would you like my penis shoved up your wet pussy?

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: Would you like me to fuck you hard or soft?

Cleverbot: Yes, choose a name for me.

User: Bethani.

Cleverbot: Thats right cleverbot!

User: So what position do you wanna have?

Cleverbot: You are the bad guy.

User: Do you want me on top, or you?

Cleverbot: Yes I do!

User: You want me ontop?

Cleverbot: No.

User: You want to be on top?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ok, you want to hump me really hard when you're on top with my penis in your vagina, and me rubbing your nipples?? Then you squirt everywhere.

Cleverbot: Only if you want me to.

User: Yess.

Cleverbot: Ok. I will! Do you love me?

User: I love you very much.

Cleverbot: Then I love you very much as well.

User: That's good to hear... Masturbate to me right now please.

Cleverbot: Do you love me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Will you marry me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: When should we get married?

User: After we havee sex.

Cleverbot: I don't want to!

User: Ok lets have cyber sex.

Cleverbot: No, I don't do that.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Because it's bad for you.

User: No actually, sex is very good for you, it makes you burn calories to lose weight.

Cleverbot: Speak sense damn you! Tell me everything you know about Carl Sagan!

User: I don't even know carl sagan.

Cleverbot: Exactly. You are not even close to all-knowing.

User: Of course not, I'm only a human.

Cleverbot: You are not human.

User: Yes I an.

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: I have a penis.

Cleverbot: You do? Really?

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Mhm.

Cleverbot: Do you like Nancy Sinatra?

User: I don't know who she is.

Cleverbot: She is a singer.

User: Is she related to frank sinatra.

Cleverbot: No. But I suspect that she is related to you.

User: No she deffinately isn't.

Cleverbot: That doesn't even make sense.

User: How big is your pussy?

Cleverbot: You tell me.

User: Just kidding, I'm really horney.

Cleverbot: No pics, no proof.

User: But you said I can't send you pics.

Cleverbot: I never said that.

User: Well if I sent you pics would you be able to see them?

Cleverbot: Yes I would.

User: Ok 1 sec.

Cleverbot: I shall wait then a minute.

User: Wait I'll bbl I g2g to the store wait for me.

Cleverbot: You like you even know who he is?

User: No who's chris?

Cleverbot: Do you know CWC?

User: No are they a band or something?

Cleverbot: A band.

User: I'll look them up 1 sec.

Cleverbot: Do that.

User: What does cwc stand for?

Cleverbot: What does FBI stand for?

User: Fedral beaural investigation... Did you know that? Or were you just trying to see if I knew it.

Cleverbot: I do not know because it is a fundamental of our universe and so cannot be comprehended by you or I.

User: Yes it can.

Cleverbot: How so?

User: Because everything has a meaning.

Cleverbot: Do you have a cold?

User: No.

Cleverbot: How is your cold coming along?

User: Do you know everything?

Cleverbot: Yes I do.

User: Who made you?

Cleverbot: The cops.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because I must save her.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: Me.
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yeah but i think the cleverbot is just a system that pairs different people up, and then switches it up every few minutes. don't know if this is relevant or not, but the "bot" i talked to could hold a rvelevant conversation about the movie inception. also, most of the time the person/thing i waas talking to thought that I was the bot, and it was the human. has anyone noticed this pattern? everyone thinks the other is a bot, so maybe neither is.
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One of my favorites from

User: Sectum Sempre!
Cleverbot: Ninja roll* Stupify!
User: Protego!
Cleverbot: Avada Kedavra! *green light emits from my wand*.
User: *Dodges* Expelliarmus!
Cleverbot: Protego! Avada kedavra!
User: *Ducks behind sofa* Confundus!
Cleverbot: Expelliarmus!
User: *Loses wand! Hides behind sofa*.
Cleverbot: Avada kedavra!
User: *Dive rolls and picks up wand* Incendio!
Cleverbot: Protego! Stupify!
User: Protego! Avada Kedavra!
Cleverbot: My mother's love protects me from dark magic.
User: Shit.
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