Depression in Mom = Depression in Baby and Toddler?

Think a baby is too young to be depressed? Think a again. A new study out of the University of Montreal in Quebec  suggests a strong link between depression in mothers and anxiety and depression in infants and toddlers:
The longitudinal study of 1759 children, ranging in age from 5 months to 5 years, found that 15% of study participants had unduly high symptoms of depression and anxiety and that these children were more likely to have mothers with a history of depression. The study also found that difficult temperament at 5 months was the most important predictor of depression and anxiety in children.

"As early as the first year of life, there are indications that some children have more risks than others of developing high levels of depression and anxiety. We also found that these symptoms increase in frequency during the first 5 years of life," one of the authors, Sylvana Côté, PhD, from the Université de Montréal in Quebec, told Medscape Psychiatry.


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But how do they "officially" diagnose it as depression with infants and toddlers? All ages of people living in close quarters either experience emotional empathy or apathy, depends. But it is too quick to diagnose children that young when they have yet to express themselves more thoroughly. Those first years of life are so adaptable and flexible for children that making such a solid statement is premature. Most mental health issues "can" be ever changing rather than a lifelong label of a disease or illness. It's the few severe cases that need to be attended to. We all get depressed at some point. It's when we stay depressed that it's an issue, least I think.

But I remember the studies of children who live in high anxiety homes are more alert and aware with coping in high stress situations due to adjusting to surroundings. While more secure children grew up to be more...lax...reckless isn't the word. I forgot what that study was called.
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Good Lord!!! These bloody quacks are really going all out to get the whole planet on drugs aren't they?

You know, back in the '60s and '70s if you went to jail for selling drugs to children you would be dead within 2 weeks. Proving that criminals back then had more brans than these psychiatrists!
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Yes, a baby is too young to be depressed, but that won't stop a psychiatrist from diagnosing depression and prescribing drugs to profit off them.
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Yeah, I figured this for a while to where the root of my depression may have come from when my dad died when I was two, probably seeing the effect on my mother during those years of development. I've looked elsewhere for other sources, and can't see any other difficulties that other kids have gone through themselves, as well as others who have lost parents too (But at an older age like 8 years or more). I agree that anti-depressants are prescribed much too easily, psychotherapy has made the largest impact, but it’s just working for me now, because way back when I didn’t have a clue why I was feeling what I was feeling, or what to do about it. Thanks for the link.
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