Archive for September 21st, 2009

Robotic Steps Let You Walk Forward Endlessly Without Getting Anywhere

A metaphor for life, I guess. Jeremy Hsu writes in Popular Science that Hiroo Iwata of the University of Tsukuba in Japan has developed robotic tiles that sense what direction a user is going in and move ahead...

Could You Decipher the Arecibo Message?

On August 20, 1974, scientists at Cornell University and the National Science Foundation used the radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico to beam a message into space.  Encoded within the binary digits of the message wa...

Tea Eggs (Chinese Marbled Eggs)

These visually striking eggs are produced by hard-boiling an egg, cracking the shell, and then steeping the egg in a flavored tea or broth.  The batik-like marbling effect is more prominent when teas with high level...

A Surfing Photography Legend

[caption id="attachment_26354" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="Brian Bielmann"][/caption] 51-year-old Brian Bielmann has been photographing surfers for over three decades, and has quite an impressive portfoli...

150 Years of American Occupations

Image: Job Voyager Job Voyager is a set of interactive charts showing changing occupations reported to the US Census Bureau from 1850-2000. It was made by Jeffrey Heer of the University of California at Berk...

A Functional Cello Made From LEGO Bricks

Photo: Nathan Sawaya Here at Neatorama, we're big fans of LEGO artist Nathan Sawaya. His latest project is a functional cello made out of LEGO bricks. At the link, there are more pictures and a time-elapsed video of...

Translating Moby Dick Into Emoji

Image: Fred Beneson Emoji are pictographs and emoticons common to text messaging in Japan. The scale of this language has grown so much that Fred Beneson of Creative Commmons wants to translate Herman Melville's ...

Fashionable Swine Flu Masks

If you’re going to wear a mask to prevent catching the flu, why not make it something worth looking at? Now That’s Nifty has a roundup of interesting face masks from all over. Linkmask, swine flu, virus, face mas...

The New Literacy

New technologies are often blamed for the “dumbing-down” of new generations, but it’s hard to see that any generation is “dumber” than the one before it in a historical context. Professor Andrea Lunsford of Sta...

Tetris Tiles

If you recall the Tetris Shower and wanted one of your own, you’re going to love this. A tile supplier in England makes ceramic tiles in Tetris shapes! Pick up to seven colors for the six shapes and design your own...

The Foxy Golfball Thief

Tom Houk of Steamboat Springs, Colorado built a putting green in his yard, and got into the habit of leaving his golf balls where they landed until he returned. A few months ago, he woke to find all his golf balls gone!...

Full Body MRI

Have you ever wondered what horizontal cross sections of the human body look like? Here is an animation of a full-body MRI from head to toe! Don’t blink or you’ll miss a vital organ. Link -via Blame It On The Voi...

Artist Creates Sculpture by Microwaving Laptop Computer

Photo: Kenny Irwin The One Laptop Per Child Foundation (OLPC) has designed an inexpensive laptop computer that it hopes to distribute to children in developing nations. To promote the project, artist Kenny Irwin took...

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