I won't pretend that I'm "with it" when it comes to comic books, but it was a complete surprise for me to find out that, starting in 2005, Marvel began issuing limited series of comics in which the superheroes are ... zombies! (Probably a better read than Spider-Ham)
Link to Marvel Zombie's official website | Marvel Zombies at Wikipedia
It was a good series, but I just got burned out on it.
Ive heard of this comic, but havnt really looked into it. I may now after seeing a zombie Capt America. That kicks all kinds of awesome.
I really thought the first "Volume" was great, but it was obvious and admitted by Kirkman himself, that no one thought it would sell or even work.
The initial volume does an excellent job, but the subsequent volumes seem a tad forced.
You know those times where you where you have to deal with people you really hate on a daily basis, and if they were a zombie you would blow off their head with a shotgun without a second though. That is why people love zombies.
Lisa Simpson: "Dad, you killed Zombie Flanders!!!"
Homer Simpson: "...He was a zombie?"
get with it