Archive for April 23rd, 2009

Are 2 Million People in America Professional Bloggers?

Leaving aside the Neatorama Civil War, I thought that I'd turn our attention to a controversial article by Mark Penn. In America today, there are almost as many people making their living as bloggers as there are la...

Man Found 400-Year-Old Mummified Cat in Wall

Funeral director Richard Parson was remodeling his house when he found something surprising in the walls: a 400-year-old mummified cat that might have been placed in the walls to ward off evil spirits."Apparentl...

Clown Shoes Banned For Being Safety Hazards

Safety is no laughing matter, say circus bosses as they ban ... clown shoes:A clown has been told he cannot wear his giant comedy shoes during his act because they breach health and safety rules.Valerik Kash...

Apple's First Trojan Horse

Apple is crowing about how its iTunes App Store is about to hit its one billionth download today, but it has also quietly reached another milestone earlier this year: its first Trojan horse program. Until recently, t...

Liz Hickok's The First 100 Days: The White House in Jell-O

Image: Liz HickokOur favorite Jell-O artist Liz Hickok wrote to us about her latest project - and yes, it does have a distinct political message:The piece is called "The First 100 Days: The White House in Jell-O...

What Is It? Game 96

Yay! It's time for our collaboration with the always awesome What is it? Blog. Can you guess what this strange object is for?Place your guess in the comment section. Please post no URL or web links - let...

10 Inspiring Green Office Blocks

If you're going to spend 8 hours a day at work in the office, it might as well be somewhere healthy and inspiring. Unfortunately the characterless and insipid glass edifices that so blight our inner cities are far remo...

Talk Like Shakespeare Day

Today is the 445th anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare. In honor of this occasion, today is Talk Like Shakespeare Day. Here are some ways to do it: 1. Instead of you, say thou. Instead of y’all,...

Flight of the Bumblebee, Played on an Accordion and a Banjo

Flight of the Bumblebee on a chromatic button accordion: YouTube LinkPreviously, Neatorama reader Minnesotastan pointed out an amazing performance of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor as played on an accordion by You...

Blogger Wrote Sensationalistic Post Title ... And Was Burned at The Stake!

Roman Charity by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (mostly), c. 1767, with apologiesTwo days ago, when Neatorama author named Alex was looking for an interesting story to post on the blog, he went to the Internet to research news art...

Man on the Moon

A speech prepared in the event of the unimaginable happening during the Apollo 11 moon landing mission has recently surfaced. The document was prepared by President Nixon's speech writer for the President to read shoul...

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