Archive for April 7th, 2009

Police Doughnuts

Retired arson investigator and state trooper Ken Borders has opened a doughnut shop in Kentucky and named it Police Doughnuts. "Being in police work for 32 years, it's been a standing joke that cops and doughnuts, t...

10 Amazing Winning Science Fair Projects

Sure there are kids that don't take the science fair seriously and end up feeding Mountain Dew to a plant for 30 days to see what happens (yay science!), but there are also kids that go well above and beyond. Here are 10...

Monster Motorcycle Helmets

This motorcycle helmet is DOT certified, available in several styles, for only $99. For those times your really want to strike fear into the hearts of all who see you. -via...

Movie Trivia: Heathers. What's Your Damage?

Ah, Heathers. As a dark humor lover and a girl who totally resents her high school experience, I think this movie is fantastic. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I think the trivia is pretty interesti...

Cute or Creepy?

(YouTube link) This little guy looks like a Furby come to life! A commenter at YouTube identified this as the Spot-bellied Eagle Owl {wiki} which is native to southeast Asia. -via Arbroath owl, spotbellied eagle o...

The Smithsonian By The Numbers

The following is reprinted from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into History Again Smithsonian Castle in Washington Mall, in HDR by jculverhouse [Flickr] You haven't experienced American history...

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