Archive for March 18th, 2009

Bat Boards Discovery, Stowaway Unlikely to Have Survived

Hitchhikers in space ... wasn't there a book about that? An apparently injured bat was expected to simply fly away when the spacecraft gunned the engines before take-off but inexplicably clung to the outside of the shi...

Six Mama's Boys

ElvisElvis, of course, loved his mama Gladys. In fact, his love for his mom may be the reason he first set foot in a recording studio - the story goes that he wanted to record a very belated birthday present for Gladys...

Green Roofs: Style + Sustainable = 17 Sweet Designs

Green roofs have become about more than just sustainable architecture - they have become new, long-unused canvasses for artistic expression and creative design. This collection of green roof designs shows the poss...

A Complete Photo Guide to Newcastle Including Amazing Abandoned Places

ILuvNUFC is prolific blogger on all kinds of odd and interesting things but his crown jewel is his photography site in which he has seemingly documented every last corner of Newcastle Upon Tyne - quite possibly the most...

An Insatiable Greed: Bonus Time!

An Insatiable Greed: Bonus Time! - $9.95 First they engaged in risky business practices - including insuring trillions in risky derivatives, then their meltdown helped trigger the g...

The Carlton Dance

A friend sent me this on Monday and it was a lovely way to end my day. Ahhh, the Carlton Dance. The actor, Alfonso Ribeiro, is actually a very good dancer - he was even featured in one of Michael Jackson's Pepsi co...

Panhandling Cat

Sometimes cats are hard up for cash, too! This cat begging money was spotted in one of the cities of Belarus. He stays on one place with a note that reads “need money for meat and fish, bless you”. He doesn’...

4-foot Worm Found in Cornwall

Matt Slater, a curator at the Blue Reef Aquarium in Newquay, Cornwall, England and his team were puzzled at the wreck their carefully grown coral reef had become. After weeks of watching the reef fall apart, they decided...

Sudoku Pizza

This unexpected puzzle creation takes Sudoku a giant step forward: it is also very tasty, especially if you like your pizza with exactly 9 toppings arranged differently on each slice. So what’s the logic in this...


March is Poison Prevention Month, and it never hurts to learn a little more about what can kill you. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss will find out how much you know about poisons. I scored only 60%, but I learne...

World War II POWs Used Escape Maps Hidden In Monopoly Pieces

Last year, an archive of World War II maps was donated to the British Library Map Library. Some of these maps are now on display to the public, and they have fascinating story behind them!Waddington PLC, the printing...

Idiot Squirrel

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Whether they're on an obstacle course, drunk off fermented pumpkin or just being cute, squirrel videos will get you through a Wednesday.  - via url...

The 10 Biggest Intellectual Fights Of All Time

History is consistently shaped by consensus, but consensus is usually formed through old-fashioned rough-and-tumble fist fights... the intellectual kind of course. Anyone who studies history quickly discovers that ide...

Parrot Plays Golf and Basketball

This is one brilliant bird. He can not only play dead, but also plays sports. I'd love to see his training techniques. Link Via Metro.CO.UKparakeet, bird training, playing dead...

A Trip to Taipei's Shilin Night Market

This guest post is from North Carolina author and sculptor Joel Haas (featured previously at Neatorama), who is traveling in Taiwan and taking plenty of pictures. Whatever they are, a night market is NOISE and C...

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